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Sleeping on the bottom of cage


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I cover Ziva at night and the blanket isn't big enough to cover the entire cage. I haven't added another blanket as it's not that cold and she seems more comfortable having a place to see from. As soon as I put the blanket on the cage, she climbs down to the bottom of the cage and sleeps there. I'm not sure if she's afraid because the blanket is on the cage or she just likes to look out of the space at the bottom of the cage.


There is a space at the bottom of the cage for her to see out of and the blanket only covers about halfway down on each side. The back of her cage is completely covered and that is up against a window. I did try covering the entire cage and she still slept on the bottom.


She seems fine with it but I worry about her sleeping on the bottom. As far as I know, she doesn't go back up for food and water. Is it ok on her little feet to be on the grate all night long?


As soon as the sun comes up, she starts in with, "Yoo whoooo. Good morning. Hello. Yoo whoooo." She's right next to my bed and I no longer require an alarm.

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Two of mine used to do this when they were very young, probably about 12 weeks old. They seemed to grow out of it. Did your grey do this for the previous owner? It might be something she has always done.


I have one grey who sleeps clinging on to the bars on the side of the cage (very strange) again something he has done since being a baby.


If she is comfortable with this and seems to be getting enough sleep I dont see it being a problem for her.



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My baby also sleeps at the bottom of the cage too but he sleeps completely flat on the bottom. It looks like he is laying on his stomach with his head on the ground too. I think its so funny looking. As long as your grey is getting sleep then it shouldn't matter how he sleeps.<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/03/31 20:49

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Thanks for the replies. I have no idea what she did with the previous owner. I thought this was more of a younger bird behavior and she's 6 years old but if she wants to sleep there, it's fine with me as long as it's safe for her. I clean her cage nightly before bed so she isn't sleeping in a mess or smelling sour food.

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I don't know what happened at her previous home. I doubt she was covered because the woman is 91 and wheelchair bound and probably wouldn't have been able to cover it.


She doesn't seem freaked out by it. I was up late and hadn't coverd the cage and Ziva got down on the bottom of the cage herself. It looked like she was putting herself to bed so she may have slept there anyway.


I cover it because her cage is partly by a window and I'm afraid it might get chilly. I also cover it because she's right next to my bed and will start talking as soon as there's any hint of sun. The blanket keeps some of it out and she seems to stay quieter longer, which I'm sure my neighbors below appreciate.

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