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Do I or Don't I?


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Well guess what? I received a phone call tonight. There is a woman living about 10 miles away from me in her late 60's who unfortunately has fallen ill and needs to move in with family. She has a 4 year old grey that she has had since a baby and can't take her. She had an amazon that has been re homed. Se wants a loving home for her grey....doesn't care about $$.


I can't let this poor bird go to just anyone.....:ohmy: :( :( :huh: :dry: SO...........am I crazy............:S :S I have 2, 3 year old greys already.............:pinch: When I told my 16 year old daughter that I only have 2 shoulders, not 3, she said, "but Mom, I have 2!" How can I argue with that? :blink:


Well........I will be calling her tomorrow but wanted someone to remind me how crazy I am.......but I can't let a bird be homeless.....this bird deserves a forever home, and that's all I can offer. ;)

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Somehow I don't think we find our birds...I think they find us. If a lovely grey has crossed your path and needs a home I think you should seriously consider it. I know you only have two shoulders but your head will make a nice perch, too. Atleast my birds think so :laugh:


I have 4 (only one grey) and feel that is my limit at the moment. When I had 3 it didn't seem like any extra work or effort. I would go for it. I know what you mean when you say "Can't let it go to just anyone" It sounds like you have a connection to it too. Have you met the grey yet?

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Thanks everyone! Your all crazy too! :laugh: :laugh:


Her name is Akela. I was told it was African and meant beautiful. I have not seen her yet, it wouldn't make a difference what she looks like or how she behaves. She needs a loving happy home, and that's what she'd get here. B)


I will be calling this woman today....she wants to make sure the bird goes to a loving, nice environment.

I'll keep everyone posted. YOUR ALL AS CRAZY AS I!!:blink: :blink: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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UPDATE: I called the woman today, and she has changed her mind. She said she can't give her 2 birds up as they are like her children. She is putting them in travel cages and driving them out to Kentucky from MA.


So, I'm happy that they get to stay with their family, and if it was meant to be, then it would have happened differently. :cheer: :cheer:


I can breath a sigh now.......:huh: :laugh:

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You are right Talon, if it was meant to be it would have happened. Or.........just maybe........it was the daddy of all birds preparing you for the fact that you are about to become a parront again to some needy grey!! We will watch the space.

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