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Another new CAG owner!


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Kia Ora from New Zealand!


Cleo came home today!! She's a 12 week old CAG, and I'm SO happy to have added her to the family. I am already owned by 2 rainbow lorikeets named Kip and Sam, and a 10 month old German shepherd puppy called Jinx. I have had a quick browse of this site, and you will definitely be seeing a lot more of me. There is so much wonderful information and support here, I don't think I can go wrong. And the Parrot's Bill of Rights brought tears to my eyes... *sniffle*

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Hello Kia Ora and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Cleo.


Congrats on your new grey, you have chosen quite an amazing creature when you choose to share your home with one and you won't be disappointed I'm sure.


If I am not mistaken those lorikeets are very colorful birds aren't they, you might want to post a few pictures of them in our other birds room as I know I would love to see them.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Now if you would share some pics of Cleo with us we would love to see her.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Hello and welcome to the grey family. Make urself at home. Great sight for 411.



aka the megagreyluver

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Actually, ya know, it wasn't easy to find you guys! Two weeks prior to Cleo coming home, I spent a lot of time surfing the net and reading just about everything there was to read on greys. I didn't find this little jewel however until the end of the two weeks. I stumbled across this site entirely by accident. Wish I had found it before though = ) would have saved me a lot of time and anxiety heh. Nevermind, I'm here now, and feeling right at home with all the lovely warm welcomes.

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