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Timneh or Congo


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Hi my new roomies,

Here's a question. I have in the petshop waiting for me a Congo african Grey. However, I hear it's best to get a Timneh. Now this is where you come in.. What do you have and what are your thoughts on what is best. Thankyou.

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Well.... Im owned by a TAG and have to vote for a TAG however they can be hard to find. At least they are here. I have yet to hear of or see one for sale in the past 8 years since I got mine.

Other then color and size they are not suppose to be different but I have heard and read that they are less prone to feather picking. How true that is I dont know. I know mine does not pick or have any real bad habbits and she has never bite me.

Id love to hear from someone that owns both.

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Casper's a CAG, but that was really just by chance, as I was looking for a pre-owned bird to rescue. When I got my first CAG though, I'd been told that TAGs could be MORE parnoid than CAGs. A friend of mine had a TAG and he was a bit grumpy, but as people have said on the site in the past, I think it comes down to your individual bird, as they all have their own very definite personalities.



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Hi Toni,

I have a TAG and am very satisfied with her. At one time, I also was unsure as to which species of AG would be best for me. Without a doubt, you will hear and read a lot of different opinions but, if I may, I'd suggest that you just meet different birds until you naturally connect with one and try not to think about it too much!

I don't think that there's much of a difference between the two other than appearance.

Hope this helps.

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All the above is true. They are both great birds and make very good pets/companions. There are some physical differences (size, coloration) but other than that more similarities than differences. Most (if not all) personality differences are based on the individual animal...the whole range is present in both TAGs and CAGs. If you do not have your heart set on one or the other for any reason then I agree...visit many birds (both kinds) and go with the one you connect with best! Keep us posted!! :P

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Guest Monique

I have had CAG and TAG. Our baby Isaac is a TAG. I agree that the individual personality of the bird means more than anything at all. In general most research will say that the TAG is more laid back and less likely to bond to one individual. With the bright red feathers the Congo is more striking in looks. Good luck in your decision!!! :)

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  • 2 months later...

Okay my view only:

I have had both believe if your starting out have doubts be careful. They live very long live a very long time not good for animal to be bought unless a sure commitment is made. You just have to read book ask questions as you are.

First starting with a non pre owned bird would allow the bird to be molded in personlity by you.

If you get a pre owned bird then yo have to know why it is being let go 9 times out of 10 know th poor bird most likely it has seesn some ruff days. Need to be reassured have lots of patience!!!

Time love patince is your best friend.

I have had two pre-owned one of each. I have to say I had to be careful at first seeing they did bite me.... KEY "in time" was I became very happy enjoyed them. NOTE I was bitten badly from the birds coming from being moved around so much old bad memories one was bought by a yound girl always busy she had parties loud music friend bugging the bird messing with cage all of the bad stuff.ADD smokers the bird was skinny bad feathers untrusting.

In time I could hold it and it was two years old when bought when I bought it from her. I had it two years it always liked a man it was hard to get it on track I never gave up.Yes, the work was worth it all in the end. So no matter if you have the heart time patience you can undo most damages done by many to a preowned bird. They need love too in time will be good again in time will be all yours. I have had the pleasure of both breeds of grays it does not matter it is up to you really. I feel it is more owner that creates the bird it is all in the training care and love that is given to the pet to see in time what that time and patience will reward you back with .

It is all not instant rewards I feel still worth the work. Even a baby has draw backs too not as much rewards instantly seeing you have to teach it to talk so on. Older one can talk right away that is great and fun to hear and makes the messes they make and stuff worth the time to care for seeing it gives back something too that is fun pleasing to hear.

I had a bird that could sing good night swetheart good night that wa smy routine for bed I sang that sone and we cuddled every night as I sang it and as I covered the cage I hear the bird sending me kisses. WE sang we had talks and we were buddies real friends so that was a pre owned mean bird that was rebuilt reasuured reformed it was funny to hear what you doing sweet heart as I start to cook . Or who loves you? as I walk by and hear kiss smaking sounds. If I start to seem to be leaving it woud say time for work and I reply yes but I will be back sweey heart I love you. It wa snever just walk by or out a door it wasa relationship it has to be they need that time time time love care they can think they are smart so smart animals only get issues when bored or feel not the love they need or given the time they have to have. They are al needy can not be caged all day 20 mns her or there. It is like a small child need that type of time. It was all that love I shared that in time was given back in spades. Add in vet care nails trimed beak care showers toys proper foods care baths love time time time time more time. Always keep inmind never hit cage never yell stay in control never show fear back away or allow your weakness to show they are smart. If they see that read as a wealk area your in trouble they will play on that. If bad is happening use a firm voice strongly use a stern tone comanding say NO---or STOP 0R BAD bird just any saying to show negitive tone reaction that what is going on is not good NO let go or no stop that hurts use a comanding tone. Never show your not the leader to train bad things out of the picture. Then rewards soft tones to comfort reward with love touches kisses and secure your bonds.I can just go on on on have to get to bed . No matter just if your afraid or maybe have some fears start with smaller one all bites hurts then in time if you want get larger one if no fears either. But know all that can happen maybe will happen and be prepared to control the bad reward the good. Never over load do training steps and take slow processes so it can be seen stored and retained. never through it in a shower just allow it to hear it run then take a week work it into it that possiblity read it body reactions .... so on slow steady and constance . all traing is in steps .I feel positive rewards for postive things . no rewards for bad and sometimes jumping to bad behavior is still showing attention any attention seems to them better than none. Soknow you will have one smart cookie on your hands have to be sure they have that time freedom out of a cage and so many things these are very smart birds need more than other breeds do that is a fact. Way more than many other less demasnding breeds of parrots do. That is all I have learned.

Summer;)<br><br>Post edited by: summer, at: 2007/08/21 05:16

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Wow Summer, what a great and informative FIRST Post!!


WELCOME and thank You!!


As you have probably noticed, we are are very Family style forum that just love talking and sharing information and photos of our Greys.


Why don't you Introduce yourself in our Welcome Room, so all the others here will realize your a new family member? It would be great, if you felt compelled to do so. :-)


Again, welcome!!!

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Getting a pre owned bird is not IMO a good idea for a first time parrot owner.

In most cases they are also more expensive then a baby. You have the price of the bird and they straight to the vet.

Many people give up birds cause of behavior problems or health issues and these can be costly to correct.

However Im not saying you won't get lucky like I did with my Joey (RLA) and get a bird that once in a loving environment with the correct diet just fit right in and are sweet as pie and you wonder why the heck they didn't want him.

Or you could wind up with a bird like my Dandy still bites every and well never have his feathers again and even though he was free he cost me over 500 in vet bills to narrow down the plucking issue and get him to stop.

They are harder to get but if you get one threw a rescue group they have usually done all the vet stuff so you just have an adoption fee and well bird check up. But most rescue groups want you to jump threw hoops to get a bird threw them and wait forever. I'm not that patient. lol

Good luck

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Well we all know that I chose a Congo. The DNA came out to be a boy. I heard things about Timnehs and Congos but alot of you in the forum do have a congo, you dont have a problem and alot of you say it really depends on the bird and how the bird is rasied. I went w/ that.

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