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Hello, new CAG owner

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Hello, I have a one year old CAG that I have had for 2 weeks. The bird was bought from family who have had it since it was a baby. We believe she is a female. Over the past two weeks she has been very interactive and adjusted very well to the new surroundings. She is very tame but always begging for attention. I let her out daily for at least an hour and give her much attention. The problem is that she never wants to stay on her cage/stand and even less to go back in the cage. Everytime I walk away, she will fly back onto me. To get her in the cage, I have to put a treat inside otherwise she will not even consider it.

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Hi Raphael. It is great that you have taken on a slightly older CAG. They do love to be out of the cage and I would think that a lot of people on here have problems getting them back in sometimes.

She might be feeling strange in her new surroundings and just needs even more love and reassurance than normal.

Does she have anywhere other than the cage where she can play........a stand or something. If she does, perhaps you could put that by you when you are busy with something else.

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I have a spiral rope which she loves to stand on and also a stand, she likes to stand mainly on the spiral rope but I soon as I enter the room she will fly straight to me. I don't shrug her off or put her back. I really do spend quite a lot of time with her but she never seems to have enough.

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Hello Raphael and welcome to the family, so glad you took on this responsibility of this grey and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey.


You said you have her out for about an hour, that is not enough out of cage time, she needs more like 4 or 5 hours a day for her own well being. She likes being with you which in itself is a compliment but you will have to have some stands or playstands that you can take around the house so she can spend some time with you, they don't much like being by themselves.


Since you have only had her for two weeks she is still adjusting to her new home and when she is out of her cage she feels safer with you, give her some time to feel more comfortable in her new home.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We would love to see pictures of her if you have some you would share with us.

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Here is a photo of her:



By the way, most days she is out for about 2 sometimes three hours and on weekends, up to four or five. I do sometimes bring her round with me on the stand but she sometimes finds it difficult to stay.

Thanks for all the help.<br><br>Post edited by: Raphael, at: 2009/03/29 23:09

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What a beautiful Grey Raphael is. Thanks for posting this photo.


The others have given great advice on the amount of time out of cage and that it is normal for her to want to be with you at all times when your home and does not want to stay in the cage.


It sounds like you have done a great job of getting her welcomed into your family and become great friends already. They will bite, as you say when they do not want to do something or be moved. Your aware of it now and will or already heave learned how to deal with it.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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I would take her to the vet and have hemdo her nail greys can become quite nervous and if you tryed to towel her to clip her wing it may lose any trust that you have gained with her by taking her to the vet and haveing them clip her nail then you go in after its all done you then become the rescuer instead of the villin. its not expensive to get their nails clipped usually around 10 to 15 dollars. or you could just but some concrete perches and place them in her cage where she will use them allot and that will help to keep her nails in good shape.Oh yea welcome to ourlittle family I have 2 Cags one is a 6 yr old and the other is a 8 week old baby still being hand fed

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Welcome to the forum! Your grey is lovely. As Pat mentioned, you can have your grey's nail's clipped by a vet, or get some pedi-perches for your bird to sit on- they really help and work pretty quickly if used often by the bird.

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Hi Raphael,

I'm new here too!Welcome.I agree with Tycos_mom

on trimming nails.I tried to clip my Grey's nails last

week.I've done it many times on dogs,and even tho I

didn't take much off,it bled terribly.I put corn starch

on it to stop the bleeding,but it bled for quite some

time.Lesson learned! Now I know why my Vet.files them.

I do have one of those "Pedi-Cure"files,but it didn't

work very well on my dogs,it's very slow,and it smells

terrible,as the nail gets ground down,and it's noisy

too!Off to the Vets for Pedicures!!!:)

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