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My visit with the grey wastoday :)!!!


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So I went to visit the grey today :) It went very well. Much better tan I expected. He did not even bite me at all and he stepped up for me, several times. He fluffed his feathers up and he shook his red tail feathers. He laughed a few times and said hello. His owner sometimes gives him baby food with a little spoon and she had me try it and he ate for me. It went very well. She didn't say anything really for sure but she did give me a book she had on greys and she was saying stuff like when I have him that I will notice he does this or that. Oh and it turns out he is 5, the ad was wrong that said he was one. I think that is even better. I am going to back to spend some more time with him later this week. I probably won't have the full amount to pay her until April 10th so I won't get to bring him home until then. She did say another lady to came to meet him but that he didn't seem to like that lady very much... whew hehe

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Thanks Carol :) I was relieved. I asked her but she said money was not the issue really that she wants a good home for him. I just emailed and asked again though if when I come to visit this week I should bring a deposit...lol She evn called her husband in and said look how relaxed he is with her! lol

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Thanks allfor the comments. I am getting really nervous that she has changed her mind or something though because we have been e-mailing pretty regularly. After I got home Saturdy I e-mailed her t say thank you for letting me come spend time with him and that I just loved him. I told her I definitely want him as long as they all approved of me and now I have not heard back from her :( She had said to come anytime this week to spend more time with him and get him used to me before I take him. Now I am just so worried. I don't want to bug her e-mailing again. I guess if I don't hear back tomorrow I will call or e-mail. She talked as if it was a done deal Saturday, gave me the book she read when raising him to take and read and she showed me how she clipped his nails and wings. She was even saying that she was going to clean all of his stuff up for me, etc. I am probably just worrying for no reason but I cannot help it :( I really feel like he is the bird for me. I have been calling him "my bird" for days. Since sh and I discussed me getting him on April 10th, I have been painting my whole house because I was planning to anyway and I needed to do it asap now because I can't once I have him here and I needed to be able to leave windows open and air it out for two weeks lol

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I know you are right Luv. I am just a worry wart. I will feel better when she emails back. The only thing that could make her change her mind is if she decides she cannot bare to part with him...lol She really loves him and I can tell she is torn. She wants him to get more attention yet she feels like life will slow down later and she will regret letting him go. I am only worried because she was emailing back the same day always and now it has been since yesterday afternoon but I am sure she is just busy. I am just using my worried energy to get everything ready for my little man and if for some reason it does not workout, another bird will come along I am sure. I just want this one lol

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Yay heard from her today :) She said they all really like me and now it is up to Shaka Zulu to see how much he likes me. I am going to visit again Thursday and she wants to show me how to clip his nails and wings. Let you all know how it goes :) Hopefully he won't be too mad about the nails and wing. I really would take him to the vet. I do not want to do it myself at all

:( Hopefully she is only going to show me again...lol

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It sounds to me like she's going to pick you as him new owner I so happy for you it sound like this bird has a very loving owner and that is going to make all the difference he's going to bond very quickly to you. It sounds like he likes you already.

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