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African grey and other parrots?


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I was just wondering if there were any members who had other types of parrots in addition to their african greys and how well do they get along or co-exist with their other parrots.


I myself have a white capped pionus parrot as well as my grey girlie and I am very pleased with how things have turned out. They both share the same room but of course different cages.


My african grey is more boisterous, and my pionus parrot more reserved and independent.

They have very similar temperments in that they are both very calm and reserved by nature. For the most part.. they are both very quiet parrots.


For those who have never heard of pionus parrots here is a link for more info.



http://www.pionusparrot.com/<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/28 23:14

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I think mine all enjoy having the company of other parrots in the house, but none of them get along as far as being able to be on the same playstand, etc.


My ekkies are MUCH louder than my CAG, but it may be because there are two of them. My CAG is actually very quiet for the most part (she is a parrot after all, so some screeching and smoke-detector imitations are to be expected! :-)).


All three cages are in one large room with two large aquariums and the kid's computer desk (the room formerly known as our "living room"). When we're home, however, they're usually out of their cages and hanging out on their playstands (they each have their own).


All three have very different temperaments and personalities...so they fit in well with us! :-)

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I was really happy when I only had my pionus parrot Sachi but now with Emma and her together I am extremely content to have two parrots rather a single one. There was definitely an adjustment period when Emma came home for Sachi had been used to being the Princess of the house.


While Emma was being weaned I used to bring Sachi to visit on a weekly basis so that they could become familiar with each other.


Today I know Sachi and Emma recognize that they are part of each other's flock. I also know that having each other during the day helps to break the silence. Parrots are very social creatures and I think they do better when they are among their 'flock" rather than be left alone for long periods of time. I feel very comforted knowing that neither of my parrots are never physically alone.

They provide to each other the kind of companionship that we wouldn't be able to provide for them during the day when we are at work or out. After all we can't be everything to our parrots at all times of the day either:) .<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/29 04:46

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  • 1 month later...

My TAG and Sun Conure torment eachother. I couldn't keep them out together without the Sun Conure starting something or the Timneh African Grey starting it. The first time They were out the Sun Conure got the best of the Timneh because Pheonix was twice as fast as Tim. And trying to break them up in mid air was about as weird as it got. Get them apart and in their cages and let them out one at a time and it's like they were totally different people. Pheonix passed away last year rest his soul. Although Pheonix had his times. Before I got married my ex and I were eating stuffed crust pizza and I gave the crust to my cat and Pheonix flew over to take it from him, Daemon (demon) decided he didn't like and swung, Pheonix jumped back and then decided to attack the cat. Needless to say the cat took faster than when I shot him with water. and I just got the heart a little while ago to get another parrot a blue and gold which I was wanting for awhile. At 5 weeks old she's nearly twice Tim's size. I put them together to see what reaction I would get out of Tim the same way I started out with my son and he just took off. My guess is he didn't like her or he just didn't care. I can tell when he ignores something and when he's interested. As far as the cat is concerned Tim has no fear of the cat, cat will no longer bug parrots after his encounter with the little Sun Conure that could. But I keep them at a safe distance now. So I'm hopping as Sunny gets older that they will be ok.

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I have a grey, eclectus, conure and a dyh amazon. My grey and my conure are buddies and the conure will go my greys cage to visit for long amounts of time. When I have a short errond to run and don't want to put the conure in his own cage, I will put him in my greys cage and tell him he has to babysit for awhile. My grey has a sweet disposition and he can be put on the playstands along with all of the rest of my parrots but the only one he has bonded close to is the conure. But he does not fight with any of them. I think I am so lucky they all get along so well.

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Emma gets along with other people and parrots very well! She is great at first encounters and is very approachable and friendly. I think the reason behind this is because she has never been a single parrot in a household. At the pet shop she had to share me every time I visited and when she came home she had to share me with Sachi.



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My grey Josey has shown no aggression toward Sunny, my sun conure but the exact opposite is true for Sunny, she will try to go after Josey but I keep them apart. They are fine to be out at the same time but they can't share a playstand, I have to have them on separate ones. Occasionally I might have both on my shoulders but I have to be careful that Sunny stays on her side and Josey is fine with that. It would be nice if they got along better but it isn't going to happen so I live with what I have but am a little jealour of those whose birds do get along.

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I have an 9 month old female Timneh African Grey and a male Eclectus who is at least 10 years old. Ana Grey is quiet and easy coming not getting upset about anything. Sully is a quiet guy who is still getting use to his new home. Ana Grey would love to interact with Sully. I'm hoping Sully once he has settled in will tolerate sweet Ana Grey.

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All my birds clasify themselves as a flock and do get along very well I'm happy to say. Adaya being the newest member is still going through the adjustment period of getting to know the other birds and so far she is doing very well with them the only one I woeey about is my Macaw he seems to be a little intimadated by Adaya and hides in his cage when she landsclose by. I'm sure she will win him over though. he seems to like all the other birds so Im sure he will adjust to her as well

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  • 2 weeks later...

The relationships below are interesting and informative. Are there other experiences members could share regarding whether greys and amazons get along?


Reason I'm asking is that in case my TAG egg doesn't hatch I want to get a different parrot considering (poicephalus or amazons) and then get a grey next time around....





See, I just don't want to wait another year to get a bird!!! I miss Alex.<br><br>Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/05/30 14:22

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HappyinGreece, my boyfriend has a double yellow headed amazon who is 15 years old, a female (we think). Little Darwin, my TAG, has just turned 6 months old and they get along okay. Darwin is very curious about Sammy and will occasionally run over to Sammy, going after her tail. Sammy is very patient and will just look at Darwin (I think she understands that Darwin is just a baby). They love to be in the same room as each other and watch each other but we are still working on getting them to stay on the same perch.

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Hi, I have 2 cockatiels with Harry. All of them are out of the cage all day with the "run" of most of the house.At first I thought Harry didnt like them, and was being mildly aggressive,flying after them and somtimes screaming. But we've all been away in the campervan twice, and, in the confined space, there was no mad flying about. On one occation Harry and Pod were eating from the same dish, and regularly shared the same stand!On coming home, I have given them all a bedroom I can black out, the days are so long now. The cockatiels like it upstairs, and seemimgly only come down to invite Harry for a mad flight! swooping close to him until he flies after them!

I caught Harry upstairs the other day, and they were all in the same cage, Harry was desperatly trying to siddle up to them and make friends, but for them thats going too far.

So I've decided to get another grey, who at least will be the same size, and talk the same talk. He came from a multi-parrot hosehold, was sharing a cage with a cocatoo, and a green thing, so I think he needs more than just me.

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Bikermol wrote:

But we've all been away in the campervan twice, and, in the confined space, there was no mad flying about.


So I've decided to get another grey, who at least will be the same size, and talk the same talk. He came from a multi-parrot hosehold, was sharing a cage with a cocatoo, and a green thing, so I think he needs more than just me.


HA HA HA green thing!! LOL poor little green thing...


Anyhow, yeah I know, I always think of getting pets in pairs for their own company. I'm waiting for a TAG egg to hatch and my breeder has 3 more eggs from another pair but he's leaving those with the birds because he wants to use them for breeding too. So there goes my chance to get a pair...


Anyhow that's why I'm thinking about other alternatives too. I've been reading about pionus (the blue headed are so pretty)and the severe macaw, hahns and noble macaws. Can these macaws live in an apartment (are they too noisy?)


About the campervan - my husband and I just placed a used trailer on our property in the country and I was wondering how the parrots do inside one of those. There's not a whole lot of space. My trailer is 5 1/2 meters long. I want to eventually build an aviary there so that they can be outside but it will have to be very well designed so that the local wildlife won't have a parrot party. (feral cats, snakes, lizards, foxes, and various hawks) Is chicken wire safe (metal toxicity) and strong enough for parrots if I use it in 2 layers? Probably not, right?

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for taking time to post to this forum. We have a three year old poicephalus (red bellied). We kind of looked at her like a "mini grey". We are getting a baby CAG when he is weaned, late October is our plan for homecoming. I have been concerned that he and Java may never be able to be free in the house at the same time. If we take it slow and let them decide, you are giving me the hope that it might be plausible for them to have a peaceful coexistence. Thanks, I needed that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have Dixie (CAG) and Sterling (U2) and George (Lovebird). Only for a very short period of time was I able to have both Dixie and Sterling in the same room (cages). I had hoped that they would be friends or at least tolerate each other but fate didn't give us that. I had to move Sterling to our living room out of my office. He's very happy there as he's involved with more of the family and gets to be held and cuddled much more, so this was a good move for him. Dixie is spoiled rotten in my office, having free run. George gets out only when Dixie is on her playstand as he doesn't stray far from his cage or playtop that sits on it.


I would love to get another CAG, as Dixie has decided that my husband is hers! Sterling is truly my sons. I know that even if I got another there would be no guaratee that he/she would be "mine" but wouldn't that be nice!




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