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hello from vancouver BC

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hi everyone,

i'm penny and i have a 22 month old CAG named ajax.



we live in richmond bc (near vancouver for those of you guys not farmiliar with british columbia)


we (fiance and i) bought Ajax from a breeder in Calgary Alberta. according to him he was in "perfect" health


so we both decided to go ahead and wire transfer him the money . he shipped ajax via west jet


anywho when we drove home from the airport i quickly took him out and put him nto his new cage to leave him be for a few days so he gets to the hang of things


to my astonishment he was missing half of one of his toes


a week went by and we took him to Dr Mcdonald who is an avian specialist


to her observation ajax had a few problems

1. under weight

2. his toes... they had some sort of truma to them

3. his breeders hand was on too tight


so we had a lot of work done on Ajax... (poor little guy)


he had his band removed

blood tests

and had to be hand fed so he won't be at a dangerous weight


we were also given ointment for his toes and antibiotics as well



later on that day another toe nail fell off...



during this time we were both very very stressed and worried about our little boy



days went by and more toe tips and toe nails fell off


it's been over a month now

and he only has 3 toe nails (one one foot)


i'm not sure about nails turning color


but all of them seem to be turning white (they were black b4)


is this normal? what can cause this?


he's not at a healthy weight of 390grams (or around there but we always weighted him after his morning poo poo


everything seems to be going great now


we are still hand feeding to ensure a good bond between bf and i (we take turns hand feeding him)


he is a very fussy eater

so i'm still trying new foods on a weekly basis


his diet consits of:

pelleted foods: zupreem (fruit and spicy version),tropican pellets,roudy bush,egg food,very tiny amount of seeds (no sunflowers)


fresh foods

fruits: apples,grapes,pommegrante,raisins,cranberries,papa ya,mango,apples,pears,peach,berries

veggies:kale,beet (greens and the beet),carrots,mustard greens,kale,peas,bok choy,grean beans,peppers,etc

birdie bread: dried fruits,beans,veggies,millet (it varies depending on the batch)

grains& legumes: rice,mixed beans,pasta


i've also made him scones,mashed potatoe balls (consists mainly of sweet potatoes,potatoes,beets,dried fruits),birdie bread


bla bla bla


his favorites are grapes and almonds (but we only limit him to 4 grapes a day


AjAx's Photo Album - click here

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Hello Penny and welcome to the family, its so nice of you to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Ajax.


Poor baby has lost some of his toes and talons, was it found to be before he left the breeder or did it happen on the flight to you but some kind of trauma happened to him but from the pictures you shared he seems to not notice. Of course he doesn't know he is different from any other grey and he copes very well with it.


He is also one spoiled grey too from the toys and playstands he has, he is so lucky to have you for a mommy who loves him dearly.


We have lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them and ask questions if you have any and we will help you in any way we can.

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i will thanks i belong to other forums... and i heard someone mention this one on youtube so i thought i'd check it out :)



um i think the trauma happened to the 5/8 toes/nails while at the breeders.. because when we got him... the nails didn't look normal.. not like healthy nails... it was thin,dry, and flaky. Also it wasn't as thick compared to a few of the healthy ones

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aww thanks for the warm welcome you guys



yes is very spoiled..

we moved to our new place in oct..

but during that time the door didn't close in time as we wer emoving big furniture out of the old place.. and ajax flew away




he was missing for 8 days in oct...

we got a phone call one morning saying they found our boy..

we literally left right away in our pj's



luckily he returned home as 2 days later it started to snow..

and not to mention that there are hawks and eagles around

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Hey Penny, welcome here. Ajax sure is a pretty grey. I really wonder what happened to cause such problems with his toes and nails after you got him. Did your vet have any idea what could have happened? I'm glad you were able to deal with his medical issues and he can now live a happy and healthy life.:)

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Hi there how are you I think I remember you from another forum I just adopted a baby Grey a couple of weeks ago. I'm hand feeding him he was 5weeks old when I got him/her I had her/him to the vet on Wed and I'm happy to report that my Shady is doing well. By the way we are Neighbours I live in the frser valley Perhaps you remember me I rescued a Grey a coule years ago named Tyco She's doing wonderful by the way. Welcome to this forum Its awonderful place for Grey owners full of very educated helpful peaple I know your going to love it here.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/03/27 23:35

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yes i KNOW U!!!!





i'm glad tyco is doing well!


Tycos_mom wrote:

Hi there how are you I think I remember you from another forum I just adopted a baby Grey a couple of weeks ago. I'm hand feeding him he was 5weeks old when I got him/her I had her/him to the vet on Wed and I'm happy to report that my Shady is doing well. By the way we are Neighbours I live in the frser valley Perhaps you remember me I rescued a Grey a coule years ago named Tyco She's doing wonderful by the way. Welcome to this forum Its awonderful place for Grey owners full of very educated helpful peaple I know your going to love it here.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/03/27 23:35
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no not at all..

she just told me that there was some serious trauma caused to his toes..


i believe it happened in the nest..


as to the breeder.. lets just say i would not deal with that one agian and i hope nobody does

Lyric wrote:

Hey Penny, welcome here. Ajax sure is a pretty grey. I really wonder what happened to cause such problems with his toes and nails after you got him. Did your vet have any idea what could have happened? I'm glad you were able to deal with his medical issues and he can now live a happy and healthy life.:)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wanted to say "HI" I am in Colorado, but from Kelowna, BC born and raised! It's nice to connect with other Canucks. B)

So sorry to hear about your baby boy, how tragic. Have you considered switiching him to Harrisons food? I think it is the best food out there, and should go a long way to contibuting to him getting healthy. Compare the ingredient lists on yours and the Harrisons.

Let us know how it goes with him, is it Ajax after Ajax, ON?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello to a fellow BCer..


My CAG is missing 2 toes on one foot and 3 toes on another. Because he was second hand to me, I do not know more to the story.. but I do know the privious owner said they were going to get rid of him due to being a non breeder, so she paid for him and took him home.


He is a bit clumsy without his toes but works well and has adapted.


He does not climb like he would be able to as I find I have to help him to some spots on his cage as he is dangling from his beak when going to his perch....


Let us know how he is making out without his toes.

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wow kelowna eh?


i have tried harrisions when ajax was 6 months old..

didn't touch he..

i would first mix a bit into his regular pellets.. but he only picked out his regular pellets...


since he was underweight i couldn't risk him not eating...


no he wans't named after ajax on..



named after a greek warrior

MrsB wrote:

Wanted to say "HI" I am in Colorado, but from Kelowna, BC born and raised! It's nice to connect with other Canucks. B)

So sorry to hear about your baby boy, how tragic. Have you considered switiching him to Harrisons food? I think it is the best food out there, and should go a long way to contibuting to him getting healthy. Compare the ingredient lists on yours and the Harrisons.

Let us know how it goes with him, is it Ajax after Ajax, ON?

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i hope your guy adjusts better with his toes missing...unfortunately the breeder didn't tell me anything bout his feet even when we first inquiered... :(


ajax gets around well..


he even hangs upside down sometimes on his playstand while playing..




gingergal4L8R wrote:

Hello to a fellow BCer..


My CAG is missing 2 toes on one foot and 3 toes on another. Because he was second hand to me, I do not know more to the story.. but I do know the privious owner said they were going to get rid of him due to being a non breeder, so she paid for him and took him home.


He is a bit clumsy without his toes but works well and has adapted.


He does not climb like he would be able to as I find I have to help him to some spots on his cage as he is dangling from his beak when going to his perch....


Let us know how he is making out without his toes.

<br><br>Post edited by: babypiggy, at: 2009/04/20 18:30
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