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Hello Nancy and welcome to the forum! So glad you could join. This site is very helpful for grey owners. How old is Captian Jack? Lol what a neat name! I think we all spoil our greys. If you have any picture of him we would love to see some. Enjoy the forum and ask as many questions as you like.

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Hello Nancy and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Captain Jack Sparrow.


Now I wonder where you got that name from,:whistle: hmm, yes I know,:lol: he is a famous pirate isn't he, yes I loved that movie too and that is a cute name for a grey.


Spoiled you say, I don't know how you could do that, just joking, I think all our greys are spoiled rotten, they know they have us wrapped around their little talons and we would do anything to satisfy their every want and need.


As you are already finding out we have lots of useful information in our many threads so continue to read thru them and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Yes we would love to see some pictures or videos of CJS if you would share some with us.

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Hi Nancy and welcome to the forum. I'm sure before you know it you will be totally addicted to it.


Thanks for sharing your video,it was lovely and what a handsome fella Captain Jack is. Look forward to seeing more of him.

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I just love the name of your baby Grey so cute he is and what a whisler. has he started to talk yet. I have to share this with you I have 2 Greys one is 6 yrs old the other is 7 weeks old any way when I was watching your video my baby Grey Shady was listening so intently and all his tiny fethers on his head where standing straight up he looked so cute. You need to post some more of CJS my little one loves him:laugh:

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wanna hear a funny?! story? i bought him from a pet store and i feel like i rescued him!...i was told he was molting at the time (i didn't know any better then)...last time i went to the same pet store, looking at the huge (macaw?) bird in the same cage, preening...oh, don't worry he's just molting...same thing i heard 3 months ago...just makes me do my homework, so to speak, lol.

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