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Gravel or newspaper


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I'm new to this and getting an African Grey soon.

Just wanting to know if using gravel on the bottom is good or is newspaper okay? Plus I guess there is other stuff that can be used. I just wnat to know what is the best choice. Any ideas would help. Thankyou

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Well i use newspaper bec7uase some gravle is daugaraus (sory fir the spelling).Have alook on the internet about what kind of gravle you can use.Plus you will give a lot of adcice on this forum.That is where i got all myn from.

This forum is the best forum ever for african greys.



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Hi Toni, and welcome! I use newspaper, it's cheaper and easy to dispose of for cleaning. I personally would be afraid Talon would try and put the gravel in her beak and accidently swallow it. But I'm sure there are others here that have used gravel perhaps and have better advice. :)

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I use newpaper. However my cage is far enough away I could use just about anything without fear of Que getting to it. However newpaper is cheep. I have several neighbors that give me theirs every week. I have boxes and boxes. lol Even take some to my breeder friends place to get it out of the way.

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When i first had my congo african grey chico.I put gravle in then i joined this forum and went on the net to see if you can get diffrent types of gravle.Anyway i found out that some gravle can kill them.So changed it straigh away.

But there is some usefull info above.

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I'm a newspaper girl too - for the same reasons as the others - it's cheap, easy to clear up, and you can see what's down there!


I have heard that coloured print isn't good for them, but that could just be one of those over-cautious things, and someone else might have something else to say about it. I've still got Casper's grid in the bottom of his cage, so he can't really get at it, but then some people say that's not good for them either. Sometimes you just can't win, and you just have to do what you feel is best!


I've also heard of people using cat litter and clean wood shavings, though I don't really know anything about them (again, some people say cat litter's bad for them...).


Hope I've not added to the confusion!



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I use newspaper too, at work, there is a 3 foot tall stack of old papers, so I just grab one every once in a while. I also keep some on the floor under her cage door to protect the carpet when she's standing on it. The open door is one of her favorite places to stand and eat or destroy wiffle balls.<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/06/10 21:34

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Guest Lidia

Newspaper, makes it much easier to keep things clean. And avoid colourprint, keep it to the mostly B/W papers.

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Thank you very much for your help. I'm happy to know that I reallly wont be in this alone. You guys rock !! Hey DeeDee I have 4 birds names in mind and Pepsi is my 2nd choice. It's either going to be Alcazar, Pepsi, Avery, Teeny.

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