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He's home!!!!

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I'm SO sorry for not posting yesterday, we were just busy trying to make sure that Chimay settled in well. And as it turns out we didn't have anything to worry about! Our breeder CLEARLY socialized him very well, and he has no fear of toys. ANY toy. He's played with every single thing put in front of him, and responded very well when we had some unexpected company today. Our best friend's 8 year old son was able to pet him, and he loves my mom as well. My mom had told me not to be worried if he doesn't eat a lot in his first few days as he adjusts to his new surroundings. I can't even begin to tell you how much he is NOT reluctant to eat. Ha ha!! He has been quite the little piglet since he got here and has no problems with food (so far). He swings on his rope perch with a lot of confidence, and is starting to discover the magic of hanging upside down from his hanging toys. Lol! Here's a pic of our new baby boy! Trying_my_toys.jpg


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Thanks for all of the well wishes everyone! Chimay is still doing fantastically, and he's already learned "step up"!! I can't believe he's already learned it so well. It was certainly funny trying to teach him...each time we offered him our hand and said "step up" he would bend over for a neck-tickle. Ha ha! But he's very proficient at it now, and when my mom visited him yesterday she noticed that he sometimes lets out two clicks right after I say the words "step up." She thinks he might already be trying to imitate the phrase! Well we had our first food-flinging contest this morning with his breakfast of oatmeal, apples, and mandarin oranges. Lol! I even got a little oatmeal flung onto my shirt. Not the first time I'm sure, and certainly not the last. Lol!

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Congratulations on your baby and so glad that hes adjusting well...your sweet journey has begun and every day is a new experience for both you and the bird...enjoy it and dont forget to keep posting pictures.



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