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This was a big week!


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What a week! Dotty has been putting her fingers around Spencer's neck, and he lets her! So we decided to actually try putting the harness on him. He let her put it on relatively easily! He chewed on it some, but while riding around the parking lot on my headrest, he wouldn't chew the harness! He stood up tall as if to say, "Look at me, I'm riding Dad's wheelchair!!!"


He has one of those jukeboxes in his cage that plays a tune when the FID pushes the button. He's still not sure how to get it to play. This morning, he was trying to get it to play, and said, clear as day, "oh f**k"!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ohmy:



Another thing we learned. Spencer doesn't dislike men in general. My best friend, Don, was over yesterday, and we had him step up on Don's hand, and he stayed on his arm without flying back to his cage. He still won't stay with me in the living room, and only sometime in the bedroom :(<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/03/21 20:09

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It sounds to me like your going to have a great time now the you can put a harness on your bird this summer is going to be a great adventure for the both of you I can just see you and Spencer rolling down the board walk together. What fun you are going to have

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Ralph, the jukebox toy is charlies most precious thing in the world.He never stops playing the tune in it.I have a number of the replacement tunes so I change it often,More for my sanity than Charlies amusement,it drives me mad.I am glad Spencer liked his little adventure.

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Ralph, the jukebox toy is charlies most precious thing in the world.He never stops playing the tune in it.I have a number of the replacement tunes so I change it often,More for my sanity than Charlies amusement,it drives me mad.I am glad Spencer liked his little adventure.

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Thats great to hear Ralph, Spencer is tolerating the harness and enjoying some fresh air.


Spencer also has a potty mouth but just ignore it for if you laugh or make any kind of reaction to it he will only do it more but I would have been hard put not to have laughed if it were me.


Continue to be patient with Spencer and he may come to enjoy being with you more as time goes by and thanks for the update on Spencer.

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I've noticed something about Spencer. As long as he can chew the headrest on my wheelchair, he stays with me (on the headrest)!! Obviously, I can't let him destroy the headrest. Yesterday, I took him in the bedroom, and he stayed on there chewing it for a hour. We put a towel on it. I tried taking him in the bedroom (without Dotty) this afternoon and this evening, and he would not stay with me. I put one of his favorite toys on my lap thinking he'd play with that, but no :(


Any idea how to keep him occupied on me or my chair? Treats work a little.



Thanks,<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/03/24 05:58

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Guys, who makes the jukebox toys you mentioned? Dorian had one a couple of years ago and he totally wore it out. I'd especially like one I can change the tunes in (for my sanity as well). My friend at the pet store can order it if I can find the manufacturer/distributor first.

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Hi, luvparrots,


Thank you for the idea!


I had an idea, too. He loves his head / neck petted. If Dotty only pets him while he is on me/my headrest, maybe he'll learn that being on me is a good place.


What do you think?

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I noticed that Spencer gets tired around 4 PM, so yesterday and today, I took him in the bedroom around that time, and he stayed on my headrest (without chewing it!!!). We stayed in there for a hour, then I brought him back out!


I'm not sure why, but last night was great! Dotty and I brought him into the bedroom, as we usually do in the evening. Dotty put him on my lap, started petting him, and not only did he stay, he let me pet him, too! We gave him a Goof Ball, and between that and being petted, he stayed on my lap for 1.5 hours! Hopefully it wasn't a one time thing.

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Ralph I think Spencer is finally coming around to enjoy being with you more now even though Dotty is his favorite and that may stay that way. Just give him time and let him stay at his own pace but I know you are tickled pink that he is not flying off right off the bat.


Keep up the good work and keep us informed of any future breakthroughs.

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That is great that Spencer is getting more relaxed around you. Do you think it could be your wheelchair that makes Spencer uncomfortable? My mom has a powered wheelchair, and although Jenna likes my mom and will chatter back and forth with her, she does not like to go near her, the wheelchair definitely bothers Jenna. Just a thought. I figure that she'll eventually get more comfortable with it; she does not hide in the other side of her cage when my mom comes near her any more, she stays out front and chats with her, so that is progress ~smile~

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