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Would a friend help?


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We have a wonderful and sweet Eclectus named Rainbow that we have had since September. His previous family did not have time for him anymore and he had started to bite his feathers off in sections. Since we have had him, we have tried alot of different things to see if he would stop and I think he is doing a little bit better, but hasn't stopped completely. Today, I received a phone call about a female Eclectus that needs a new home. Does anyone know if a companion for Rainbow might make a difference in his barbing his feathers? I don't know how easy he would be to accept a female or even if they would become friends, or if it is just a dumb idea. I am not interested in breeding or anything like that. Of course, we would fall in love with her I'm sure, just like with our others, but just wanted to see if anyone had any experience in this.

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Thanks Judygram - I have been going over this in my mind all night - am supposed to go and see her tomorrow. There are so many "ifs" here. Do I need another bird- Nooooo - , could I love another - Yes, of course. I guess worst case, if they completly hate each other, we will just have 5 birds and Rainbow will still snip off feathers. :unsure:

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Like Judy said, maybe , maybe not. Getting another bird doesn't stop a chewer from chewing. What will be good is that they'll be 2 VOS in one area and both will have the same vocal communication because they're the same types of birds. You still need to keep them apart in their own cage in order to see how they take to each other, They may be friendly, unfriendly or simply uninterested in each other. Put them together outside the cage together watch them. If one pushes the other side to side and there's no reaction from the one being pushed, the birds have accepted each other. If they lock beaks, separate them for a while. VOS can be aggresive. You getting a red female or green male?


PS--try to get a weight measurement and watch the fat content. They can get heavy<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/20 23:35

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Well, went to see Scarlett yesterday and I guess you can see the results! She is just beautiful - Rainbow can see her from his cage and just kept looking and looking. I had to get her a new cage though, had hoped to just use the one she had, but it was terrible! Held her a couple of times yesterday - no attempts to bite, but later she just didn't want to be bothered. We just left the door open, but she never came out. Seems like a sweet girl. I know it will take her a while to adjust. Scarlett005.jpg

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I really didn't know Rainbow had such a long neck - cause he sure has been stretching it trying to catch a peek! We did take her out tonight and let him see her from a distance, he was bobbing his head and doing the ole' figure 8. It was so funny. Will have to get out the video camera later when we finally put them on a perch or something together!

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I took on a male Eclectus almost a year ago for a parrot refuge and he was so plucked it was unbelievable. He has grown all his wing and back feathers back and is looking brilliant now, although he still has a go at plusking his chest. I was advised to get another Eclectus to keep him company, but the refuge had every other type of parrot except Eccies. I am trying very hard to get him a friend of his own kind who he can communicate with and hopefully he will stop plucking.


I also have him on Deeside water which has helped a lot in his feathers growing back.

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I had my male SI Ekkie first (he's 11 and I have had him for 3 years). I got him at the same time (from the same home) as my CAG. He does barb some of his secondary flight feathers, but only on one side (of each feather, but on both sides of his body).


About a year and a half ago, we added a female SI Ekkie to the family (now approx. 5 years old).


They contact call often throughout the day, and definitely whenever one is in a different room (and loudly, too!). They cannot, however, be on the same playstand or in the shower together without fighting (not really agressive, but enough to keep an eye on for sure). If she for some reason flies to the floor, he will fly down and start chasing her around and will pick a fight if he gets close enough to her...but she is a better flier so she gets away easily).


Both are fantastic birds for us and will go to anyone. They both play the "blinking game" with us humans, but show no actual affection or liking towards eachother. We're fine with this arrangement because we aren't looking to breed them, just wanted to provide a good home for adult birds that needed one. The noise level and hormonal behavior have both increased greatly since she has been here, but that's not too unexpected.


He continues to barb, but it has been a consistent level since we've had him (hasn't gotten better or worse).


I think it will be hard to say whether having her in the home will help the barbing, and also whether they will be "friends". It seems about 50/50 from the stories I read in that some people have the birds take to each other great and some, like ours, just don't...but maybe someday they will, who knows.


I'll PM you a great ekkie message board I have frequented as you can maybe get some more answers there as well. It's not nearly as popular and busy as this one, but the moderator is very knowledgeable and responds pretty quickly.


Good luck and keep us posted on how the two are doing!



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Thanks everyone! Well, it has been a week since Scarlet came home- she still does not want to come out of the cage. She bit HARD (with blood) one day last week, so I would try to get her to step up, but if she didn't want to, I didn't push it! :P But, yesterday, I was determined to hold her and put on an oven mit and she stepped right up. I held her for awhile and we went on the porch and enjoyed the 80 degree weather we had yesterday. I think she is more empressed with Rainbow than he with her though. I put Rainbow on the play tree near her cage and she just bounced up and down on the perch and swayed side to side. Rainbow would look and then just play with a toy. Can't wait to actually put them on a perch together and see what happens. I appreciate all of the advice from everyone. Will keep you posted. :P

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