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My 8 mo. old CAG said HELLO today!


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I'm amazed! My 8 month old baby CAG was just muttering away, and it sounded like some strange man had entered my house and was talking with a muffled voice! Then she said some stuff I couldn't understand, and then it came! She said "Hello" plain as day, and then some more muffled words I couldn't make out. It sounded like she was having a little conversation, just like someone else was in the room with me! She usually whistles and makes noise, but this is something new for her. I'm utterly speechless (though you can't tell by my post LOL!);)<br><br>Post edited by: PekingeseMama, at: 2009/03/18 20:13

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Thats so great don't forget to write it in your baby book under baby's first words. Now your in for it he will be butting in on your conversations soon. They seem to always have to put their 2 cents worth in the more they learn to talk and understand the english language. Those first words and so special though and your bird is a real little smarty pants for learning so young.

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