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Should I explain?


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I was just wondering if you think I should explain to Ollie that chewing through his perch while standing on it is definately not a good idea!!!

{Communicate-00020115}<br><br>Post edited by: sue09, at: 2009/03/18 17:40


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I guarantee you that your bird won't eat his way through that perch. What he's doing to that perch is beneficial to his feet. As a matter of fact that's why he's doing it. In the wild, parrots don't go looking for smooth perches. They find perches that they can grab onto and the perch usually looks like yours does. That's why when putting perches in a cage, it should be as natural and gnarled up as much as possible. Manufacturers have finally gotten the message and are starting to put similar perches in their new cages even though they can still do better. Whenever I get a cage, I immediately remove the perches, go into the backyard and cut some gnarled, bent, uneven sized branches to use. If I come across an area that has plenty of them, I cut them down and put them in the garage for later use. I also give natural branches to my quakers. One reason that some parrots fall off their perches is because they're too smooth. If I make playstands, I use the same thing. So, you shopuldn't worry. I have boxes of old branches to use whenever I feel like adding or changing..

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Yes.........that is the only smooth perch in his cage.....so I'm sure you are right. I just love caption type photos.

Perhaps someone could post a funny photo each week and we could all make up captions......

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