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Picking Up my Baby


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I`m picking up my baby tomorrow morning. The breeder has five of them and I get to pick or it gets to pick me hopefully. I`m as ready as I`ll ever be, I guess. I`m a little nervous, but ready. I think I`ve got everything I need for now, scales,alovera spray, fruits, vegetables, red palm oil, apple cider vinegar, whole grain pasta, brown rice, toys, toys, and more toys, and the pellets it has been weaned on. I`ve also got a big playstand and a couple of portable perches, so he/she can be with me where ever I`m at in the house. I think I`m ready. Any Suggestions?

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Congrats on getting your grey tomorrow and I hope one of them picks you, if it does that is the one.


You don't mention a cage but I am assuming you have one, thats about all I can see you didn't mention, I think you are all set, bet you hardly sleep tonight.

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have you found an Avian vet in your area? you didn't mention that I just think its very important to have a vet lined up if you live close to your breeder mabie you can ask who she/he uses and use the same vet. You must be so excited. I know what thats like they are so sweet I don't know why I didn't get a baby along time ago. They are allot of work though and a huge responsibility its like have a new human baby almost.

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Hey all. I`ve just walked in with my baby. She had four and this baby would not go and play. All she wanted was to nibble on my fingers or sit on my hand. The others didn`t pay me any mind so much, but they were loveable when I held them, but my baby was only interested in me. I`ve got a real strong fealing that she is a girl as well as the breeder thinks the same. She has a smaller head than the others and was slightly smaller built. I`ve got the DNA kit ready to go with the feathers. I just weighed her and she weighs 366 grs. It was an 8 hour round trip and she slept most of the way home. She just drank from her water bottle for the first time. She didn`t have one at the breeders, so I`m hoping she is going to be really smart, but it really doesn`t matter, I`m hooked anyway. When I get her out in a couple of hours, I`ll take some pics and post them. Thanks for all the enthusiasm. It makes me feel right at home. Gary



The closest avian vet is roughly 2 1/2 hors away

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Well thats great that your trip went well and your baby and you are home safe and sound. It sound to me like your baby has taken a likeing to you already. they are so precious. Please pictures as soon as you get a minute or 2 I'm looking forward to seeing your baby.

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Well my first day is over. She is asleep now. She didn`t eat alot, but she did eat some of her pellets and some of her veggies, a nut and a couple of treats samples that Lafaeber sent me. Her wings are clipped but she was allowed to fledge. The breeder clipped them so she can still fly but not very good. Just enough so she doesn`t fall. She has been on her playstand. Checked out her toys, came in the computer room with me. I put her on one of the portable stands I made with a boing hanging from the ceiling over the stand. She likes the boing. She has went to everyone in our home and gave everyone kisses. The only problem I`m having is that if I say very much to her while she is with someone or on one of the stands, she flies to me. She can make it about six feet or so and she has done this tonight 4 or 5 times. I`m so thrilled with her. I put the DNA Kit in the mail, so I`ll know for sure. Her name is officially "HARLEY". I`ll have to go back to work tomorrow at 3:00 pm, but I think she`ll be fine. I`m off all next week, so I`ll be able to spend alot of time with her. Thanks for all the replies. I`ll keep everyone updated. Gary :laugh:

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