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New baby pics


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I just had to share a couple pics with you all I can't beleive how curious this little guy is justs has to check out everything s/he sees. sorry the ones where s/he's playing with the toy aren't very good baby wouldn't hold still for a second. oh Well it gives you a little look at baby playing.




DSC00078.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/03/17 20:50

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S/he was hatched on February 7th so about 5 1/2 weeks. I can't beleive how fast they grow I just got baby on Sunday afternoon and I swear s/hes growen already. I know her feathers have definatly come in more. this baby is the sweetest little thing I was cuddling with it on my chest and he came crawling up and was preening my face checking out every inch of my face and even preened a strand of my hair. I would say s/he has definatly settled in already we are getting very close. You should see it do the potty dance I laugh everytime he goes poop he takes 2 steps to the right then 2 steps to the left shakes his tail while he steps back and squats its so cute. s/he is also pretty playful and very curious about everything he trys to eat my rings and my daughter was over today and he just loved her neckless didn't want to let go. I going to have to watch that baby doesn't go missing my daughter fell totally in love she wants that baby reallyy badly She said if I come over everyday and play with him and bond with him can I take him home when he's weaned. I told her the only way she could have it is if I died she will have to waid another 30 or fourty years from now then she can take him home.:laugh: What a sweet temperment this little guy has If you all met him you would be running out to get your own s/he is such a joy. I'm telling you though I glad I didn't take the other 2 he wanted me to feed for him I would be a nevrvous wreck its bad enough with just one it like haveing a new born baby sterilizing everything makeing sure he's kept nice and clean and their and no poop in his house. making formula checking to makes sure its the right tickness and the right tempature . making sure his little crop is emptying good and that hes just full enough not to full its allot of work just haveing 1 I'm glad I don't have three.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/03/18 06:39

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