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Feather tether or Aviator harness?


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Any harness will annoy them for a while. If you don't have any issues getting it on him, stick with it.


They only draw back to the Aviator Harness, is you must get a small opening over their head. I must say this is challenging at times and if your Grey decides it does not want it on, there is no avoiding a nasty bite. Now I check out my Greys body language very carefully before even trying to get it over his head.

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I'm training Chimay to accept the Aviator harness right now...Working with him on the collar first with one wing in. I've found that my bird will do ANYTHING for a pine nut. We've gotten him to the point where I just hold the harness up with a pine nut and say "put your harness on" and he stretches his little turkey neck out and lets me slip it on.

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I don't use either one althiough I do have a feather teather harness I don't use it. I found a very nice little harness that the birds except easily it only weighs 5 grams and it easy to put on it can be worn with the leash on the back or front and so far Adaya and Fergie don't try to chew it to much. The harrness I use is called a lil critter harness its a figure 8 harrness and it only has one tiny clip

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Aviator all the way for me. I did have a fether tether but had the same problem with the buckles being 1) too big and 2) too bloody fiddly!!

Biggles loves his aviator and I managed to train him to wear it and had him outside with it on within 2 weeks!

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