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how can you tell if its a scam


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I asked for more info on a cag from a craigslist post and this is what she sent me


Thank You for your interest in Roscoe my 9 year old

African Gray Congo Parrot. He has been with me

since he was 3 monrhs old. He really needs more one on one attention


His adoption fee is $800.00 ~ Lowered from $900.00 Includes his large cage.



There are many attributes to sharing your world with an African Grey Congo. They have the intelligence level of a five-year-old, yet the emotional level of a two-year-old. It is quite like having a perpetual toddler in your home. If unattended they have enough abilities to get themselves in trouble, so it is always important to keep an eye on them. Nevertheless, they love to interact with their family, and will like to be everywhere you are, whether at the kitchen table, or taking a shower. In the wild, the African Grey is a flock bird, so you and your family are their flock in their eyes. They want to be with you as much as possible. They do not necessarily have to be on you to interact but like to be included in the family activities whether it be watching TV or cleaning the house, as long as they are involved some way, they are happy. The African Grey is known for its talking ability. They usually begin talking anywhere from 3 months to 1 year of age. They are excellent mimics, and have the ability to not only repeat words and sentences, but just about any sound that is a regular in your household. Telephones, microwave beeps, coffeepots are easy for them to imitate. They can have in their repertoire as much as 2000 words. Not only do they speak just as if the person they are imitating is standing right there, they also can feel what we are feeling and are capable of reacting to our emotions. The do not always just repeat, they can understand some of what they say, by knowing the right response what is spoken to them. The African Grey Congo is without a doubt, very talented, but they are also very skittish. They are cautious of strangers, they have to be eased into new toys and new situations, but if you approach them quietly and calmly winning their trust, they can adapt and be very happy with their human family members.


dont know why this just struckme as odd. what do you think

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

have u gone to visit this bird in person? Go with a friend and check it ount B4 doing any thing else.



(Alwayz hear to help)


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Guest jamalbirdbiz

U should check www.kijiji.com for a bird in ur area if this 1 does'nt work. I think getting an older bird is alwayz better 2.


I have been considering breeding greyz, but I think it is a bad thing with so many people losing there jobs, houses, ect; my little birdies futurez would be 2 uncertain and that would make me 2 :(




(Alwayz hear to help)


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By the way there are a lot of scamers, from Congo or south africa or they will give you an adress in london. They will ask for money to ship the pet for you and then they wil ask for more money and suddenly after they get what they can get they disappear.


They might even call yo on your mobile, most probably from a number in Africa, starting with 002 or +2.

So Take Care and dont let any of those play his scams on you



{Nature-00020095}<br><br>Post edited by: ranaz, at: 2009/03/14 14:27

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Yea the part at the end is definitely copied and pasted somewhere.. It does seen a little suspecious. I would go check it out if its not that far.


What do you guys think about http://www.birdbreeders.com/

are they safe? does anybody has experience with them?

It seems like almost all the breeders on that site has a good rating...hmmmm little too good to be true?

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Sounds very suspicious to me too. I would be cautious if I were you.


If you are looking into adopting a parrot you should check with the avian vets in your area. I found my Layla through my vet and she has been wonderful. Also, there are lots of older birds up for adoption on the internet. Yes, kijiji has a lot of older birds up for adoption - just skip through the breeder postings - and you should be able to find a lot of adoptable birds needing a good home. :)

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I'm very familiar with birdbreeders.com. It's simply an advertizing list of breeders by state. Not all breeders advertise there. There's a bigger chance of the breeders getting contacted by customers if they advertise there.

The site can simply be looked at and compared to a telephone book. Nothing more, nothing less.

The site doesn't require any information concerning what type of breeder you are. In other words, them being bad breeders, good breeders.

The site doesn't require the breeder to list the methods of raising birds.

The site doesn't require a breeder to list what types of birds that are bred.

The site doesn't tell breeders to put in a description of their business such as *small family business*--*privately run business* etc. That's totatlly up to the breeder and it could be true or false.

The site doesn't require breeders to list any types of contracts they use.

Again, basically a phone book type of site.

If you wish to purchase or check into breeders, only use the sites that have phone numbers attached. Back and forth Emails can be misleading.


Buying a bird or other animal should always be a personal thing. It's alive and it should be examined very well. Different breeders will offer different contracts. I also don't feel that shipping is good because that means the bird was purchased sight unseen. I'm totally against it. Getting a bad bird by that method makes it hard to get your money back.

Many people find it very difficult to find a breeder where they live and I can only say that if you have to travel 300 miles, then so be it. It's difficult but because of what's being done, both the purchase of a bird and the amount of driving will be a first.

I'm not a believer in the * let the bird come to you* philosphy. There's many times that no bird will come to a person and that doesn't mean it'll be a bad choice.

If a person goes to a kennel to purchase a pure bred dog and there's 5 to 7 puppies to look at, all the puppies will charge you and wanna be petted, tickled and they'll wanna jump over a potential customer.

So tell me, how does a person pick out one of those pure breds that are all racing over and playing and nipping and wagging their tails and picking at your shoelaces and slobbering all over you?<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/14 18:18

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By the way, if you wanna know if its a scam or not, ask for his detailed address, and suggest that you have a friend in the same area who is willing to pick up the bird and fly it with him to you and that you are not interested in shipping. You will see the guy will stop contacting you.

Also there is a quarantine regulations when you fly birds from contry to another. Its a minimum of one month and can increase to 4 months in case the bird is comming from some African countries.


Just be careful with those scammers.


Also you can try to search in your area for someone trying to re-home their bird...I have found mine that way, so at least you can see the bird first or take him for a vet check.

Good Luck


{Nature-00020095}<br><br>Post edited by: ranaz, at: 2009/03/20 09:14

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