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Nasty Word!


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It is hard not to laugh when someone 10 inches tall looks you in the eye and makes and verbally tells you off. So, by the time I realized that my 23 year old Amazon had taught my 8 month old Timneh a nasty phrase beginning with the letters F and Y, I guess I had already rewarded him with laughter. Now he won't stop saying it, and has become quite creative in using different tones and pitches. I thanked my friend in New York for teaching my Amazon the phrase 22 years ago, and told him that now I'll certainly hear it for the remainder of my life.

Can't wait until Kofi finds a new favorite phrase!

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OMG!!! Thats funny but it's not funny. Especially with children in the house picking up the language:ohmy: . I have seen some greys on Youtube saying that same phrase and I must admit I laugh my butt off:laugh: but I wouldn't want mine saying it.


Mine came to me saying Sh*t but he doesn't say it very often but he does use it in context:laugh:


If he is older and learned this a long time ago he may always say it especially if it gets him attention. If you want him to stop I would ignore it and show no reaction when he says it. Baxter came to me with some other words but I didn't really give him much attention and he quit saying them and picked up on our lingo here at our house. They are just like kids and pick up on the things we say.


Just curious, what are you going to do about this?

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Fergie came to me 8yrs ago say you F#@*N creep. She doesn't say it as often anymore but if anyone raises their voice in anger Fergie will still scream those words at the person who is angry. She will also say it to any man that comes into the house. She was abused by a man and hates men to this day.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/03/16 13:40

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He's a baby. I guess I'll have to discipline myself to stop laughing, and try to replace it with another phrase. Hmmmm, what rhymes with that phrase. One two? Light blue? ??? Fortunately he is the only child in the house. Unfortunately the clarity of the phrase is unrivaled.

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Yes the laughing has to stop or he will never stop saying it but don't try to replace it, just ignore it when he says that phrase, no reaction will accomplish more I think.


If you must laugh be sure to leave the room, better the house so he doesn't hear you do it.

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Yea, my b/f use to call the female dogs b---hes..Like he would say I'm letting the b---h outside.Wellllllll Alcazar ended up learning it and it took 2 weeks for him to stop saying it so far its been a month and no heard of the word.Just ignore it don't give any response not even a negative one.

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I, and Dorian's previous owner, have always been very careful about what he hears. That being said, my brother was over at Christmas and I caught him down here saying "s**thead, say s**thead" Needless to say my 40 going-on-6 yr old brother is no longer allowed any unsupervised time with Dorian. Good luck holding in the giggles until you're out of sight and sound of Kofi:P

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There seems to be womething with words starting with "S".


As I posted a couple of weesk ago, Dayo started saying Sh!t. We gave no reaction and over the last two weeks have started saying "Ssssweet" a lot to see what would happen.


He now says "Sssweet" qute often and I haven't heard the other "S" word in 5 days now and counting....

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Luckily Fred does her cussing in Spanish. :whistle:


She came from a place in Torrance with a heavy Latino influence and I noticed that the employees were mostly of Latino descent so now I know where she got her words . . .


As long as visitors do not understand Spanish we are safe! :P

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I don't know how many of you may have read a story in the papers several months ago about a blue and gold macaw named Max who was stolen from a small pet store in Duncanville, Texas. Max is 28 years old. He was gone for 4 months, and miraculously, was recovered (long story). Anyway, Max is my buddy, and I stop by to see him regularly. I bring him pieces of Jenna's birdie bread or some jalapenos or some such. The first time I visited Max after he was returned to his owners, he got mad when I had to leave, and yelled out the F word QUITE clearly. I nearly fell over laughing! The owners said,"Yeah, he has learned a few not so nice words in his 28 years living in a pet store!" ~chuckle~

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Oy my Mingus I feel you!


Bella is VERY observant, in particular she observes my dogs quite carefully. Well Dream, my female greyhound took a nice long stretch and let out a pretty good toot. So lately, not only does Bella announce when ever she or Jiggy or the dogs does their business, she adds the sound effects too :sick: *sigh*

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