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How much does you Grey weigh?


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I've always heard that a bird will try to hid illness as much as possible as a defence mechanism. Which is why I suppose so many experts say that a birds weight is a good way to help track health.

I just thought I would share what I use to track my pets weight.

Digital Food Scale-$30


I record all the data on Excel and get a nice little graph.


I'm sure it's not the most accurate, but I will know if there is any drastic weight changes. Doorknob_Scale.jpg


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Nice scale. Yes, all Parrot owners should have a digital scale and track their weight.


My Grey averages around 470 +- 10 grams, which is normal in weight variance. Watch for losses for 10% which would indicate something is going on with them health wise.

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I use a digital scale also and weigh Athena every day. She's always been on the small side, and at 2 years old she's been holding steady at about 415g +/- about 10g either way, as Dan noted. I've read that greys aren't fully mature until they're about 4-5 years old, so I'm not sure if she's going to continue to gain weight or if this is it for her. She was pretty steady at 385 for about a year or so and then in the last six months she gained 30 grams. But I don't mind my little girl; I'm petite too so I just tell her she takes after her ma :P

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After reading this thread i realised i should b eighing tigerlily and looked online for avian scales only to discover to my horror that they were around £70:unsure:


Surely my digital kitchen scales would do the job?:whistle: :)


so this morning i thought i was going 2 have a fight on my hands trying to get her to stand on the scales


but tigerlily was her normal trusting self and stood on the scales 1st time :)


and i'm glad 2 report that tigerlily weighs a healthy 470g


She got a monkey nut as a reward and weighing her will now become a regualr routine.



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