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new baby mabie


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A breeder friend of mine has just been bless with 4 clutches of African Grey congo's they are haveing a few problems keeping up with it all. I was talking to him this morning and he asked me if I would take a couple of the babies to hand feed for him and if I did he would let me keep one. I'm very tempted I would love to raise my very own baby as Tyco was a rescue as where most of my birds. I have done my share of hand feeding over the years and I could just help out I guess without taking a baby but I certainly would so love a baby Grey I just don't know what todo If I could get my bird room together I guess I'd have the room for it. My time is what I'm most concerned about can I spread myself around enough for one more bird. I guess I'll just have to see how things are for the next little while

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Well Pat only you can answer that question but I know you would love to have that baby grey for I have heard you mention it before. I know people who have more birds than you do and handle it but this is your chance to raise a baby grey of your own. My vote is I think you can do it but you know in your heart whether you can provide enough out of cage time for each of your birds.


You think about this and let us know what you decide to do.

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Oh Pat, that is so tempting. I don't know what I would do if I were in your shoes:ohmy: It would be so neat to have a brand new baby but I would be afraid of the work and the time all those hand feedings. I don't know myself but I've heard other talk about how much work it was:unsure: . I too have older rehomed fids, never had a brand new baby to raise and I would like to be a parrots first mom one day. You will have to weigh the pro's and cons and let us know what you decide:)

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The babies that I would be taking are on 3 feedings a day so thats not to bad I could basicly schedule their feedings around my regular schedule. He lives about three hours away and I have to decide what I'm going to do by Saturday so I can drive up on sunday to get them. Its not difficult to hand feed as long as you make sure the formula is mixed to the proper consistancy and the right tempeture there are things that can go wrong but as long as you make sure the babies crops are emptying out properly and they are gaining and not losing weight its fairly routine and like I said the baby's that I would be takin are already down to three feedings a day so they are around 6 weeks old not ready to wein yet but definatly getting there. I would so love to have a new baby all for myself to snuggle and cuddle and watch it grow into a confident big boy I would definatly want a baby boy I think but you never know I may fall in love with a little girl baby. oh man this is such a big desision. i think i'll sleep on it and see if i come to my sences in the morning.:laugh: :S :side: :laugh:

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Oh Pat! I cant wait to hear what you decide!


I know from your posts you have wanted a baby, I dont know any different as all mine were babies when i got them and they have given me such joy!


It will give you extra work ( and an extra cage to clean) But I think it would be so worth it.


Only you can decide though, I cant wait to find out!


Good luck Pat and let us know:)

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Good luck on making the right decision, either way you go Pat.


One questions though, if the chicks are 6 weeks old, they would normally still need to be kept in a brooder for correct temperature. Is he providing one or do you already have one?


It would certainly be tempting to feed those little chicks and watch them grow. They are so cute and endearing at that young age as they develope. :-)


Very hard choice for you. But, I know you are wise and will make the right one. :-)

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I have a make sift brooder that I put my birds in should they get sick. Its basic but it works well. Its a large plastic reptile tank the lid has slits for air flo it has a themometer in it to keep at the right tempature 85 degree for baby birds and a heating pad. I would think that he will supply everything I would need though. after all the babies are his not mine except one that I choose. Do you think Tyco would feel like she was being replaces if I got another Grey? I don't want her to feel at all like she isn't wanted I love her so much and a baby will take lots of time and she will be watching all the interation with another Grey. It doesn't seem to bother her when I spend time with the other birds I have now but do you think because the new bird would be the same speices as her that it might bother her more. I have all these things going through my head I do really want to take this baby but I'm worried about how Tyco will take it. I can always find the time because my birds are all friends with each other so I can spend an hour or 2 with 3or4 at a time and we lots of times I have one on each shoulder and one on each knee and its easy to give them each time with me. I usually give Tyco undivided attention because she doesn't interact with any other birds eccept for Fergie. Sometime I will take her and Fergie at the same time but I think she prefers being with me alone and she still has a ways to go she will still only accept scritches before bed or in the morning when she wakes up and only from the safety of her cage. She love to play peek a boo tug-o-war and catch or roly poly with me and she loves her learning games when I teach her different colours, shapes, and songs. I just don't want her to go backwards because there is a new Grey in the house. So much to think about I probubly shouldn't try to analize everything and just wait and see how she reacts with haveing the baby's around who nows mabie she just may like it.

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She might Pat but remember that Tyco comes first in everything, feed and do the other things first for her before you do the same things for the new baby if you get it, that way Tyco knows she is not replaced but I think you have enough time and love for another one, why don't you just go for it.;) B)

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It's a tough decision but so exciting that you have that opportunity too. I think you'd find the bond you'd have with a baby you raised would be very special indeed. As far as how Tyco would react? You'd have to wait and see. Maybe she'd love having another grey around but she also could be jealous or even frightened of it. I thought my 2 1/2 year old grey may like to have a brother or sister to play with but he's scared of my baby greys and will sit on their playstand to play but otherwise if the other bird is out he's just scared of it and flies away screaming. Many people have more than one and they get along fine so it really just depends on the individual. I'm sure whatever you decide it will work out just fine- keep us updated because we'll all be wondering!:)

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That will work fine as a brooder, as you already know. :-)


I wouldn't worry about Tyco, especially since the are going to be Greys. He may just enjoy watching you raise the young ones until it's time for all but the one to go back to the breeder.


I know it's a long drive, but perhaps the breeder would let you "Try it" and see how it goes. If it does notwork out, the you take them back. It just depends on the relationship you have with them, which must obviously be good or they wouldn't trust you to begin with. :-)

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Well I know you guys have been on pins and needles wondering if I'm going todo this or not. Well this is what I have decided I could not live with myself if I took these baby's and something happened and one of them died under my watch. So I have decided that I'm not going to take the chance with someone elses babies. So I decided that I'm going to take just one baby off his hands. He said he would give me the baby for 1/2 price since he doesn't have to keep it until its weined. So on Sunday I will take a drive and go pick up my new baby. :laugh: :cheer: :silly: :laugh:

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Oh Pat, I knew you would chose to take that baby and I am so happy for you, this will be so wonderful to raise your very own baby grey.


I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing the tales you will have to tell of the experience, congrats to a greyt momma.

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Thanks for all your support you guys are great. Im looking forward to haveing a new baby around. I am also wondering if I'm losing my mind:laugh:. Just what I need another bird like I don't have enough to do. Oh well at least I won't be lonley in my old age. Its going to be such a wonderful adventure I just can't wait. My friend ask me if I want a little one or a big one he says he has both. what do you think I sould get and big guy like Tyco ore a petite little Grey. I saw a tiny little African Grey the last time I was at the vet compared to Tyco it was about a 1/4 the size. I know there is no difference and I know I should let the bird pick me but is a bird that is only 5or6 weeks old able to pick. what do you think? I love the large magestic looking greys but I also have always wanted a Timnah and my breeder said that the smaller Greys that he has are about the same size as a Timnah it might be nice to have a tiny congo African Grey so cute and petite.

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Congratulations! That is very exciting and I can't wait to see pictures.

A small piece of advice: cherish that time when he/she is a little one! I picked my Darwin out at 5 weeks and he's 13 weeks old now. It is so bittersweet watching them grow as part of you wants them to stay little forever and at the same time you just want them to be climbing on things and chewing everything in sight! It is a very special bond having the opportunity to watch them grow and you will get so much enjoyment out of it!

As far as size goes - Darwin is a Timneh, rather small, and he is the perfect size in my opinion!


Cheers :laugh:

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