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Why Did you choose your bird's name?


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Miracle is definately a fitting name and unisex as well, so no need in fretting over which sex Miracle is. :-)


We watched our Grey as he Grew from 6 weeks old and learned his personality.


We had already decided no matter what, it would be of a fitting African dialect....


Thus the name "Dayo" - Meaning, "Joy has arrived".<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/11 16:03

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I wanted names from my home country and for them to mean something so we picked Rangi (god of the sky) and Kea (mountain parrot). We talked alot about the name "manu" (means bird in maori) so maybe we will have to get a 3rd grey.

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I have 2 parrots.


My pionus parrot's name is Sachi - Which means Colorful Wisdom, or Joy in japanese.


Emma is my african grey - She came after Sachi. I've always loved the name Emma. Emma is an english name and also means Complete. For that reason it is very fitting because I do not intend to add to my feathered flock. I have my two favourite types of parrot.:)<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/11 17:19

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mr merlin has a look in his eye that seems to see the past, the present as well as the future.


plus i love the arthurian legends, especially merlin who was so very complex.


and that my little bundle of plucked feathers certainly is - complex!

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ZZero lol I hated the name cause I didnt want him to feel like a zero but my family all loved it so it stayed. The name came from the breeder he was the first born of the 3 so they were 0,1 and 2 by the nails she painted for the vet visits, ZZero had no nails painted :P so thats what they continued to call him while the others became Bob and Meridith. It just stuck my breeder was soooo surprised when we kept it the same. It matched though my pets are Ozzy, ZZoy and ZZero.

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I panicked.


The breeder wanted a name to start calling her so she'd be familiar with it when I received her, and I didn't have anything already picked out. I took the name of their aviary, added a reference to Buddy on the Dick Van Dyke show, and came up with Pickles.

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Our baby's name doesn't translate into anything special (I don't think anyway...lol), but it is the name for his favorite Belgian beer. I know it sounds silly to name a bird after a beer. But any time there is something to celebrate, he and our BEST friend Chris always drink it together. I always get a confused look or two when I tell people our boy parrot will be named Chimay, but to us it's a very symbolic of our friendship and celebration! I don't drink it myself, but we still celebrate together with their glasses of Chimay and my bottle of Bud Light. Ha ha!! :D

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I'm like you, Carol. We named Shanti in honor of peace. We thought of Paz, Shalom and Salaam, which are peace in Spanish, Hebrew and Arabic, but went with Shanti (peace in Sanskrit) because that's the one that everyone in the family agreed on.

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Willow is named for a favorite character of ours from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I had several names picked out but I ended up picking that one because there are also several cool songs with the name in them that I can sing to her.

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Doorknob, the Congo, was originally going to be named Dorian the Grey. But I was hung over one day and started calling him Doorknob and it stuck. Tatters, the Timneh, was a plucker when we bought him. My wife was on her way to get him and she was listening to that song....'I'm in shatters...', and so she named him Tatters. 03_12_09_0152-066b253ee03682b1de30e9e4a64e4869.jpg


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My Tag's name is Lyric Angel. I named him this because I wanted a musical sounding name and also something that I felt could work for a girl or a boy. I gave him the middle name Angel because that's what he is, my mischievous little winged angel boy.

I think Miracle is a beautiful name for your baby and it is so precious in that picture.:)

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My then-12-year-old daughter does all the animal-naming in our household, and everybody gets 2 names. Maxi is Maximum Nymphodora: Maximum for the main character in the Maximum Ride series of books (about part-avian kids who have escaped from an evil laboratory, basically...) and Nymphodora for Nymphodora Tonks (from the Harry Potter series).

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My boyfriend wanted to name her "Smokes" because she looked like smoke.


I argued that with her bright red tail, she looked more like a cigarette ash than smoke.


And if you can imagine in cartoon fashion... a light bulb flashed over our heads...


And we both instantly agreed on Ash.

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My CAG is named Mr Alex.


He was originally going to be called Alex (nothing to do with Alex the famous Grey, I just like the name in general) but then my nephew kept calling him "Mr Alex" from the movie Madagascar, then my Grey started saying it, and it just stuck from there, so Mr Alex it is :laugh:

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I knew my baby was a girl while she was still at the breeder's, and had several names in mind. Jenna was not anywhere near the top of the list, but I tried the names on her when I visited her at the breeder's house, and she clearly responded to Jenna. It means "little bird," so that works, and it does seem to fit my little goofy angel bird :-)

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