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I pick up my baby at 4:20 today! He turned 3 months old yesterday.


Cage is ready. Gonna pick up food and one of those braided perch thingies otw to the airport.


I THINK I MIGHT be getting EXCITED!!!!! I hope so. I have been really really depressed recently and I hope that this little critter can help me find who I am under the gloom.


I will be bugging the heck out of ya!


;) Vicki G

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Vicki, that is great news!!

I can tell how excited you are:)


You can ask as many questions as you like, we dont mind at all!! Just remember we all love to see those baby pictures so once your baby settles in make sure you post some.


I am sure this baby will bring such joy into your life, my three have they mean the world to me as Im sure your baby will to you:)

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I got him! He was hatched on December 7,2008. He was sitting there waiting on me in Gulfport and was so unimpressed that he chewed on his apples as I carried his crate out to the car. I got him in the back with me, armed with my towel to protect me from all kinds of messes and the possibility of a beak attack from a scared youngster and darned if he didn't crawl right up to my face and cuddle. Would NOT let me put him back in his crate so I had to hold him TIGHT to get him into house.... his wings are clipped but he manages to float a little in the direction he falls... he has NO balance to speak up. Silly me... expecting him to know the UP command... DUH.... in fact... DOUBLE DUH... this poor little critter doesn't know how to feed himself properly. I put him on the perch on the top of his cage (which I moved into the bedroom because I was afraid he'd fall and hurt himself trying to show how tough he was to Maggie one of our dogs)and he promptly went for the pears I had cut up for him... he does not know that he can use a foot to hold his food. Either that or he's abundantly smart and knows that he can't balance worth a diddle and will fall flat on his beak and then Maggie will chuff in doggie laughter.


It's gonna be an interesting ride. I'm excited to be on it.


My other grey was older I guess... it's been so long and my brain has shrunk a lot in that time...


Everyone has held him, everyone is talking to him and once I come up with a name I'll let ya'll know! I have to take some good pics and post them.


Now...I will continue feeding him lots of fresh foods, talking to him and petting him but should I traumatize him and take him out by grabbing him? He wants to be held but doesn't want to stand on my finger/hand...or do I leave him in the cage until he's willing to come out on his own...


And this is going to sound crazy but it's almost like he's crying when he cuddles... I have heard that on the boards but wow... melts the heart.


I'm soooo truly blessed!


Thank you all for being here to share it.




Vicki G

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Glad to hear that your baby is home safe and sound and he is snuggling up to you some, enjoy it while you can for a lot of them outgrow it.


I would keep his perches lower in the cage so he if he falls it won't be from up high and you might want to pad the bottom of his cage with some towels or blankets to cushion any falls.


Just open his cage door and let him come out on his own, he will get curious and come see what is going on.


Enjoy your new grey and let us know what you name him, can't wait to see pictures.

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Congratulations Vicki, your baby is home safe and sound now you can relax a bit. Enjoy your baby, now is the time to bond because she is missing her siblings and looking for her new flock. Remember though that she is a baby and needs to rest so go at her pace and don't push. My Ana Grey cuddled with me a lot when she first came to live with me and she is still a cuddle bunny. We are bonded, she trusts me and I try very hard not to break that trust. Oh I am so excited for you. Have fun and enjoy!! Can't wait to hear what you decide to name your little guy.

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What a wonderful baby Grey you have there. :-)


Reading your comments on the meeting and ride home certainly brought a big smile to my face in remembering those days.


Thanks for sharing this precious moment.

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