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My Bird only Talks to My Wife


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I have a rehomed Grey named Oz who is 4 years old. He is the first bird we have owned and seems to befitting in with the family nicely. We got him in Dec. 2008 and he did not say a word until late January/ early February. It seems like I am his person. He wants to go everywhere with me, gives me kisses and whistles for me to come back when I leave. The funny thing is he will not talk in front of me. He has an amazing vocabulary...at least 100 words, speaks full sentences, and cognitive ability, but will only display this behavior in front of my wife and daughter....not me. We love Oz very much and wouldn't really care if he ever said a word, but I am wondering if anyone would know why he talks to my wife and not me. I hope it is not something that I am doing or not doing for him. If anyone has ideas, they would be much appreciated.

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Congratulations on taking in a Grey in need of a home!


Oz sounds like a wonderful bird getting used to his new surroundings and flock.


In regards talking, they talk when they wish to and many times it is closet talking or practicing and calibrating their words while preening and relaxing.


They will use the words when needed or when they recognize an action your doing and comment on it appropriately. It just takes time for them to settle in to their new home and family.


Looking forward to hearing more of Oz. :-)

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Char, that was a good one:laugh:


I think it may have to do with the higher pitch, too. Our grey talks more in front of me than my husband but he is bonded with me though. My husband has an amazon and he is clearly my husbands bird and attached to him but I can get him talking any time I want to, which I thought was very strange, but I think it may be the high pitch of a womans voice.


I listeded to a cd that is suppose to teach birds to talk and it had a high pitched (annoying) womans voice saying the words and phrases. I didn't use it, only listened to it so I don't know if the cd's work or not. I just know the voice was very high pitched.

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