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Total neewbie to The Grey Forums...

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Hi, Just joined, I just love this forum. My husband and I have 2 birds. I've owned my AG Congo since she was 3 months old and now she is 15 years old. She's truly my little teenager. My husband and I purchased a DYH July of last year. He was just under 3 months old now 10 months old. What a pleasure he's turned out to be and what a talker..... My husband will have to come on and post about his experiences with our new DYH magna. He has learned to handle him with having no previous bird experience. It all changed for him after visting my mom and step dad and meeting there birds for the first time. They have 3 birds (Scarlet Macaw, Blue & Gold Macaw & Maloccan Cockatoo) I will be back soon and post some pics of our birdies.


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Hello Birddesss and welcome to the family, so glad you found this forum and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


BTW, what is the name of your grey?


Most of us have more than one bird, some of us have more than one grey, I have a sun conure named Sunny along with my Cag named Josey and even though I would like to have another bird or two I think I may not have the time to devote to a another parrot so I am content with the two I got.


Your husband just has a knack for handling birds, some people do who do not have any experience and then you encounter some who have experience who have trouble, it mostly depends on the individual bird.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of your grey and we have an other birds room where you can post some of the DYH if you like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi.......I didn't get my photos to post at first, but once you have done the browse, don't forget to put your curser in the mesage where you want the photo to be and then press the 'image' button by the side of the browse.

In any case, welcome to the forum. I am quite new and look forward to your posts.

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