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Hazel passed


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This morning we noticed Hazel wasn't breathing right. She was begging for food though, so we did feed her.


She still wasn't breathing right, and she had lost an incredible amount of weight this morning, even with feeding her.


We took her to the vet, where they said she had a huge infection in her air sac, and we needed to rush her to the emergency vet asap. We got her there, they put a tube down her throat, and she passed away twenty minutes later.



They told us it was from the cancer. The bird was eating completely normal, and her poop was perfect. She somehow lost the weight, and it wasn't from her food. The autopsy, to prove this though, was 600.00. So, we decided not to go through with it, because there is nothing we can do now anyhow.<br><br>Post edited by: Twosteph, at: 2009/03/01 18:16

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I am very sorry to hear this Steph. You and your family have my condolences, thoughts and prayers.


Hazel had really gone through a lot with the early surgery on the head.


You mentioned Cancer. That last I heard regarding her health, was she had been tested for asperillosis. Did those result come back?


It is so heart breaking, especially such a young baby and the close loving bonds that you and your family had already established with her.


Again, I am very sorry to hear this.

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Thank you. The breeder has promised to "replace" her.


Hazel was tested for everything, and everything came back negative. She was just at the vet last week, and her physical exam was perfect, with the exception of her preening glands were a bit swollen. She was a very heavy bird, the vet was impressed.


The lump turned out to be a very rare Teratoma. Lightfoot said she had only seen it on 3 other birds before, two greys and one bald eagle. They were going to use Hazel as a study bird, and they were writing a research paper on her.



Its just so upsetting that she could be so happy, and healthy, then loose so much weight overnight, and have such breathing problems which caused her death 3 hours later. Just the night before she was eating all her fruits, veggies and pellots. She had eaten 40cc of formula, and was on top of her cage flapping away. Its just so shocking !

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I am so sorry Steph for your loss of Hazel, poor thing had been thru so much but you had her home and things were going well until a few days ago but this just wasn't meant to be.


I know you have much love to give a precious grey and if the breeder will give you another grey baby then by no means will it "replace" Hazel but it will help you get thru the loss of Hazel.


Gosh I almost feel like I really knew Hazel thru your posts about her and her early troubles but too this may have been a sign that this duo of you and Hazel was not meant to be, again so sorry Steph.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your heart be lifted from the grief of lossing Hazel and that one day the grey for you will come into your life and you will be so blessed.

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So sorry for your loss. Its a sad sad thing, especially when one day the bird is happily playing and the second is sick and you dont understand the transition...My thoughts are wih you.

Getting another bird to care for and play with helped me feel better...:)

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My thoughts are with you as you go through this sad time. Hazel's life may have been short but I know you did your very best to care for her and love her and she knew that she was loved. She is flying free forever now and in peace.

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