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Must have toys when I bring baby home?

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Hi! I am new here. I have a baby grey that will be here sometime next month (I hope) and I have picked out a cage and am reading up all I can to refresh my memory on having a grey...there are boingy perchy thingies (LOL) that I have seen at many sites and was hoping for feedback on those...I really need to know what is the most agreed upon toys that I need to have ready and in the cage when my boy is ready to come home. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated! :silly:


:woohoo: Vicki G :woohoo:

Gautier Mississippi

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Hi and welcome.The boings you mention do seem to be very popular.Each grey differs in the sort of toy they prefere,some just love ripping paper up,phone books, old paper backs ect.Some love to dismantle things, lego blocks are great for this,some love foot toys and will play for ages with them,some love bashing things like bells about. They all have their own likes and dislikes.Have a small selection of verious toys and you will soon find out what your new baby grey likes.Keep us up dated on your grey and when he is coming home.

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Welcome Vicki!!


It's GreYt having you here. Congratulations on getting a Grey that will be home soon.


There are a ton of different types of toys out there. Sheila gave some good examples and advice.


It really is hard to say which toy your Grey may or may not like, but the basics mentioned are normally well accepted. As you get your Grey home and become familiar with its likes and dislikes you'll be able to better dial in on toys it will like.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hello Vicki and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and the new grey.


Is this your first grey or first parrot?


Like Shelia said all greys are individual and some like one type of toy and another likes something else entirely, you will just have to provide different types and see what your grey prefers.


We also have a toy and playstand room where you will find lots of ideas and suggestions for toys you can make from common household articles so browse thru that room for lots of toy ideas.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of this baby you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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Hi Vicki, if you are refreshing your memory about greys or parrots does that mean your baby grey won't be your first parrot? Sheila has given you some great advice. Each grey is different and it's kind of learn as you go about the things they like. Can't wait to see some pictures of your new baby. Have you thought of any names yet? Welcome to the family!!!

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I would say get a few of each kind and then see what your grey likes. I've picked up shredding toys, foraging toys, toys made of coconut, yucca, cornhusks, wood, leather and a couple of plastic ones. Mostly I've collected foraging toys that can be refilled and destroyable toys that can be replenished. Also lots of foot toys. The grey that I played with at the store recently really liked those cardboard rings (birdie bagels) to hold and chew up.


You need to have a lot of variety so you can switch out the toys often. The more you do this when they are young, the less chance that they will become nervous around new things.


Definitely get at least one boing. My budgies love theirs by the window. :)

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Oh GOSH, thanks for all of the replies! I SOOO appreciate them. :)


I will get little toys to see what types he likes and then go from there. My plans are to keep him out of his cage as much as he is comfortable and as much as the other pets will allow...I have 3 cats, 3 dogs and a rat. That's not including my 2 kids still at home as well as older ones and grandbabies running around as well...while I know they tend to have favorites I want him to be as well adjusted around others as he can possibly be.


I HAVE had a parrot. A grey. I got him in Berkely CA about 16 years ago. He was named smooch and I was able to bring him home on one hand feed.... he was precious and I loved him sooo much.


Unfortunately, when my husband retired from the USMC, we ended up selling our home at a loss in North Carolina and packing up 5 kids, dogs and Smooch and coming to Mississippi so he could start an apprenticeship at the local shipyard. There was a strike right after he started and, after pawning everything I had of value and with nowhere else to turn I had to sell my baby, with cage and all toys for rent money. I refused to charge more than the $ owed on rent, I wasn't trying to make a profit on him... he was FAMILY!


I know that makes me sound like an awful person.


I missed him so much and the guilt was ovwewhelming. I have waited all this time before I would even CONSIDER hoping for another grey to love. I'm scared to death to be honest with you all. I want so much to do everything right for him.


The timing is perfect. If I had gotten another bird sooner it would have been so hard. We, like so many others, lost everything to hurricane Katrina and breathing in the mold and death odors would have been so hard for a parrot....we are blessed with safe home that we (and the bank) own and have rebuilt our lives even better and now have the kind of appreciation that unfortunately comes after going through a life changing event that leaves you with the knowledge of how quickly it can all be gone... I strive each and every day to remember to smell the roses NOW and enjoy the little moments that make up our lives NOW before it's too late...


So... anyhoo...yes, I'm a previous parrot owner. I'm blessed and oh so grateful that I have the chance to be owned by another one. It's been so long in coming that it really doesn't even seem real most of the time. When it was decided which breeder we were going to choose my husband and I walked out to the mailbox to put the deposit check in together... it's a huge deal!


I will be picking up little toys that will give me an idea of what category my little one will favor... no name ideas yet because he and I don't know each other yet so I have no personality to factor into the the name.


He was born on December 7, 2008 and I'm hoping that he will be ready to be sent to me middle of next month but he will come when he's ready.


I have been reading about the harnasses with interest. I would love to be able to use one that would allow me to take him with me on walks without endangering him. Potty training is another thing I'm trying to find information on... must to my husbands dismay I play on letting him perch (if he wants) on my husbands very dusty and very expensive bowflex that is sitting all nice and pretty in my livingroom... I'll get some use out of that sucker yet.... LOLOLOL....


So, now that you know WAY MORE THAN YOU WANTED, I once again want to thank you for all of your answers and hope that I am allowed to participate fully even though I feel like such an awful person because I sold my grey. :(




Vicki G

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Vicki, I commend you for sharing your story with us. Karma to you. And I understand because I raised 3 kids on my own without any help until they were teenagers and I know you do whatever you have to, to see that they eat, are warm and have a place to sleep. Your baby grey is all the more precious, yes I understand. I waited many, many years to finally get the home, pug and now parrot I have always wanted, so many things had to come first, now it is my time. I know you will enjoy your baby grey as much as I enjoy my 6 month old Ana Grey. I am so very happy for you and your hubby!!! Enjoy, enjoy!!!

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Hi Vicki, I don't feel like you're an awful person at all. You did what you had to do at the time, and now you're ready to welcome a wonderful new baby grey into your life! It sounds like you're doing all your research and know exactly what it takes to raise a grey, and I know you'll be delighted when yours comes home! Welcome to the forum!:)

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Thank you all for such nice posts. I know for a fact that I did what I HAD to do but I deeply regret it.


My 2 youngest are off school for Mardi Gras so I haven't had time to really play at the computer and read the overabundance of information that this site has to offer but I most certainly will!!!


Friday is the last day of February. That does mean that in the SATURDAY is the first day of the month in which I get my new baby!!!!! Happy happy dance!!!!


More later and I look forward to finding my way around and becoming part of this family!


What is Karma? How do I give or get it? Cuz I got 2 Karma points that appeared out of nowhere....




:silly: Vicki G :silly:

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