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I went to see some breeder birds and when I got home I realized they didnt have any toys.I gave Delilah and Dakota (my breeder birds)two wood toys,and couple shreddables to play with. Did I do a wrong thing? Are they suppose to be with just each other and do nothing? I,as a person if I just had to look at my boyfriend all day and do nothing I would go insane and he'd be lucky if hes alive by the end of the week. :silly:

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Even breeder birds need toys. They need things to do besides just exist together. I think you did the right thing and I don't think it will hurt their chances of being successful breeders. If anything, it will help because happy birds are more likely to remain healthy and more likely to breed.

You are a good bird momma!;)

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The more I've thought about, the more reservations I've had about the whole breeding-in-captivity process. I'm not sure there's any humane way to do it at all, although there are some ways that are a lot more humane than others.


I realize I'd be a total hypocrite to reject breeding entirely -- since we all have our birds thanks to breeders, and since capturing them in the wild is a lot worse -- but I just don't see a lot of moral justification for taking the babies from their parents or for keeping the parents as baby factories.


What do you think?

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I do understand your point and yes if we didnt have breeder birds we wouldnt have our babies. If we didnt take them away from their parents and hand raise them then those babies would grow up to be like them.More wild and leary of humans. As for Delilah and Dakota I try my best to not treat them like a baby factory.I give them names, they do have toys and special treats.Oh thats another thing.These birds dont even have a name and they are 12 years old.I guess if breeders have too many breeder birds they dont care to name them all.Well I know any breeder birds I get they will have names and toys in their cages.

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