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Coccidia and Roundworms


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I just took my new CAG Wilma to the vet on Friday. The vet said she was in great health except for some intestial parasites. The vet said she had Coccidia and round worms. The vet said that this is common and gave use medicne to treat her. Has anyone else had this problem?

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Your grey must have originally come from a place that needs to improve their hygiene and husbandry practices. This is not a common parasite of young parrots except in areas where the birds are raised in over-crowded flights with dirt floors. Internal parasites are not a common problem in parrots. That's why conversations about these types of problems don't come up often on parrot boards.

That illness is common in poultry who are ground feeders. It's also common in dogs and cats.

Some parrots get sick from eating contaminated soil that contains round worms but that happens in the wild.

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There were no symptoms. I took her to the vet within two days of getting her from the breeder. My vet didn't seem too concerned. She gave me two medications to feed Wilma and told me to bring a fresh fecal sample by for testing in two weeks. The medications were cheap ($25 total). I let the breeder know about the problem.

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