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Seprate Day & Night Cages?


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I was reading on a site about Greys and the publisher of the site suggested having two separate cages for your grey. She said a large one in the family area for day time with toys and such, and then also a smaller cage in a quieter location for bed-time. Is this nessecary? Is it a good idea? She said that her night cages were in the bedroom. I am not sure I want my bird in my bedroom. Just wanted some opinions on this.


Thanks in advance

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Its up to you Rissa if you want separate cages for your grey, one for sleeping and one for during the day. I only have one cage for Josey except for her travel cage but she sleeps in the big cage in the family room, I have never used a separate cage for sleeping. Some here do use a separate cage for sleeping but I wouldn't want my grey in the bedroom with me either.

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Hi, Rissa,


We put Spencer, our Grey and Lindsay, our Quaker, in their carriers in our bedroom. We have no problems, they are in a dark, quite room, and we can watch TV in the living room.


Ralph<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/02/14 06:05

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Separate sleeping cages are not needed. They feel very safe and secure in there main cage and view it as their home.


As was suggested. The only exception would be if there was a lot of noise and activity late into the night where the cage is located. Then a separate sleeping cage would be recommended.


Normally, late at night, all the whooping and hollering is coming from the bedroom. ;-)

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Whisper has her own room with her cage in it. She is in there while I am at work and to sleep at night. Whenever I am home she is on her play stand in the living room which is in the center of the house or on my shoulder.


During the day While I am at work I don't even shut the cage just close the door to the room. There is nothing else in the room she can get into. I think this helps her to not feel so confined since she can climb all over the cage and come and go out of it as she pleases


On the weekends I will usually take her to her cage for a little while in the afternoon for a nap.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/15 02:50

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