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Is your bird noisy all the time?


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Greys for the most part are quiet birds, they are vocal at several times during the day but we do have several members here who say their grey is very noisy. I have a sun conure that is more noisy than Josey, she is fairly quiet then she has her social times where she talks, whistles and makes her mimics of other sounds.


When I cover her at night for sleep I do not hear any more out of her, no sounds at all except she goes to her water bowl for a drink before retiring to her perch but it is all in the routine you get into.

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My Ana Grey is only 6 months old. She is a quiet little girl. She is most vocal after her bath or misting, and never screeches or screams. If I leave the room she calls after me, she doesn't talk yet, and after I answer her, she is quiet. At night I put her in her cage about 1/2 hour before I want her to go to sleep so she can eat and drink. When I want her to go to sleep I say "nite, nite" and she comes to the bars for a tickle and scoots up to her cement perch to sleep. I do not cover her cage at night but the room is totally dark until the sun comes up and she is quiet until I open her cage in the morning. She comes out at her leisure for breakfast. She is a quiet grey, but I am a quiet person, and I believe our animals mostly take their cues from their owners. My pug is a quiet little dog too. Ana Grey does get oodles of attention because I do not work and live alone so we are together most of the time.

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charlie is noisey morst of the time... always getting into stuff and wanting attention.. he has his quiet times though too. He doesnt like being by himself too much.. wants to be where we are.. and chirps at us a lot.. only says words when he is on his cage and we are in the other room... then he chats away.. then when he is done chatting he comes into the living room with us... then when he has been there for a while... my husband puts him back on the floor and tells him to go back to his cage with a stern voice and charlie usually does it.. not that he wont turn around and come back if he decides too... he pretty much does what he wants.

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Tyco is a quiet bird in comparance to my conure,Amazon, and Macaw she talks lots but she talks not loudly its about the same volume as I or any body talks. she never screams her sound effects are a little louder than her talking voice but not to the point where they are deafening. My Amazon on the other hand can get quite loud and when she gets started the dogs start howling and the other birs start chirpping that when you would swear someone moved the house into the Jungles of africa. its enough to drive anyone around the bend. thank goodness they all listen when I tell them to be quiet. Fergie hates it when I put the dogs outside when they are haveing their little jam sessions she just loves to get them all going. She is such a little instagater.:laugh: :evil: :angry: :laugh:

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Mischief has her moments, but for the most part she is quiet. She never screams, squawks, or cries, but she loves to chatter and talk! She is very good at night, too. Once the lights go out we don't hear a peep out of her. When the morning comes, though, I hear her chattering away until I get up and go say Good Morning!

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I have Mr Jabber jaws and he talks non stop all the time. I swear he doesn't give those jaws a rest. He even manages to talk with food in his mouth and whilst playing with his toys. Even when he goes in the cage at night he mumbles to himself before he is finally quiet. He is quiet all night until the sun comes up and he starts the day with a "good morning did you sleep well".


They both scream probably a couple of times a day for maybe 10-15 min or so and this happens when they are playing with toys, flapping their wings, spinning on the spot and having general fun. This can also turn into what I can only describe is a couple of Banshee's chasing each other around the house.

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Whisper is a quiet bird. She has her chatty time twice a day morning and evening. She chirps pitifully whenever I go out of the room. That can be pretty loud sometimes. She will start that whenever she sees me put on my coat also. Other than that she is pretty quiet. If I turn on music she will start talking.


Once I put her in her cage at night, cover her up and turn off the light I never hear a sound until I uncover her the next morning.

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Echo has 2 times a day that he talks or I should say at this time mumbles, but he doesn't scream or make loud noised, my Cockateil is extremely noisy he is in the other room and I can't hear the TV, I am a little afraid that Echo may pick up his screams, so I do keep them in seperate areas of the house.

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Charlie is not too noisey at all.He does have his moments but after all he is a parrot.No screaming,usually talking and the mimic of verious house hold items,microwave,phone ect.He is covered up of a night and does not make a sound.He does get a bit loud after a shower but even that is not bad and quite funny,it is like he cant contain the excitement.He will bash toys around in his cage when he has a mad half hour but on the whole is not too noisey at all.

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My Grey is not what I would call noisy in comparison to the known parrot breeds that are. I find most his whistles, sound effects and talking to be acceptable levels on Par almost with human decibel levels depending on whether it is a sound, whistle or speech.


The exception to this, is as the background noise goes up from say a vacuum cleaner, movie, music or people talking/laughing. Dayos' level also goes up porportionally.


The only ear piercing times are when he screams for an understandable reason such as being frightened or chasing a person or bird to inflict serious wounds. ;-)


He does these sounds, whistles and talking from sun up until sun down many times through out the day. In the evenings he quiets down and chills with the rest of us. :-)

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