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Zupreem FruitBlend


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I have weaned George off a seed only diet onto Zupreem FruitBlend ,he will not touch Harrisons at all ! However I cannot get any of the Zupreem for African greys at the min ,due to Northern Parrots saying that Zupreem is undergoing a complete make over and adjustments so it will not be available for at least another month !I have tried various other places to get it from and all are having the same problem ! However I have been assure that the one Zupereem FruitBlend for Amazons is exactly the same but bigger and that this is ok to give to my Grey.Anybody got imput into this and has your grey had the bigger pieces ?

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I have done both the "large" one and the one for "medium" birds. Hannah doesn't really seem to like more than the other, although, she eats quite a bit other than her "normal" food. We make her muffins every Saturday that last through the week and she gets one of those a day, along with some of whatever we are eating for dinner, i.e. pasta, rice, garlic bread.....haven't really found anything she doesn't like. She also eats quite a bit of nuts and that we put in a "forage" type container she has to pull and mess with to get the peanuts and pistachios and almonds and such.


Just my two cents....I didn't realize they were doing a makeover...maybe that is just in your part of the world though....

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I haven't tried the larger pieces with Perrin but I suppose he wouldn't have a problem eating it. If you shop online you can check out www.arcatapet.com I know that they have some in stock both the 3 lb and the 20 lb bag. I work there so I know we had it on Tuesday. Not to self promote.

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Thanks everybody for your imput. I live in the UK so these sites are not available for me to buy from ! The e-mail I have recieved from Zupreem says that its the product itself that they are changing and they are really sorry about the shortages ,and that it will be avalable as soon as its remarketed .They also said that some suppliers have got old stock but they are not supplling any more till its re merchandised !

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I am probabley over reacting but I think it is a bit off for the company to just stop producing ,I think they should have prepared better and ensured a supply.After all it is bad to just have to change a parrots diet and this company should know better.I have Charlie on Harrisons,I get them from Northern parrots but my vet also has them I know I would be frantic if I could not get them.

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she wrote:

After all it is bad to just have to change a parrots diet and this company should know better.


Sheila, that is an excellent point. Many Parrots are on the Fruity Blend and getting one to switch is sometimes very difficult.


It does seem negligent on Zupreems part to not have sent out a notice well in advance.


Perhaps if enough people emailed complaints to their customer service department regard this. They might at least next time give proper notice of a few months that it is going to stop production.


To contact Zupreem:



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Ok, I received a reply from Zupreem. It seems no changes have been made. I wrote a rather long letter to their customer service department regarding their responsibility to the customer and more importantly, the diet many Parrots may be used to eating. Needless to say, it is a well known fact that it is not easy to just switch a parrot to different foods.


With that said, here is the direct reply from Zupreem:


"""Dear Dan,


Thank you for contacting ZuPreem.


I can assure you that we are definitely not discontinuing our FruitBlend diets. They are the #1 selling pellet in the US, and we are manufacturing these almost daily to fill the orders.


Thank you for checking on this, but I promise we are still making it. :) If you have any additional questions, please let me know. Have a great weekend!



Jennifer McDaniel

Sales & Marketing Account Executive

1-800-345-4767 ext. 2017"""

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  • 1 month later...

It seems the Zupreem Fruitblend are back on 24parrot.com with a brand new 43% price increase. It now 42.99 for the same amount as you got for 29.99 a month ago!!


I have emailed 24parrot to see what the reason for the price increase is.

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I have noticed that as well jason and the reason they gave me was that it was Zupreem who had hiked it up due to the new improved product ?? It seems that us in UK are getting different answers to them in USA ? It make s me out a liar !! Im just at a loss as to whats going on here ? any ideas anyone ???

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Heres the reply I got from Northern Parrots :-


"Thank you for your email. The 20lb bags of the Zupreem used to be £36.99. When you purchased your bag at £29.99 they were on offer. £29.99 was the offer price we had them at. There has been a price increase of £6. The increase is beyond our control. For months the suppliers have been increasing their prices but we have held back but now we have had to increase ours."


I have trouble believing this, as the large bag seemed to have always been 29.99 for about a year.

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The last bag I bought from them as well was £29.99!

I cant believe the increase!


What choice do we have though? I wonder if there is anywhere else we can get them from? Let me know if you do know of anywhere I will also have a look around.

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I use zupreem fruit blend too but I don't buy it in a bag. I buy it in bulk and just scoop out how much I need from the bins. I usually get about 10 pounds at a time and always thought it was pretty reasonable. I have never bought the already prepackaged stuff because it was much more expensive. Seemed like it was about twice as much in the bags.


I don't know if it's true or not but the worker told me it had less additives and preservatives than the prepackaged zupreem. Their supplies arrived in large grain bags.

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I cannot find anywhere in UK where we can buy it not pre-packaged.It would be so much better and easier if we could ! I have trawled the internet and cannot find it any cheaper then what i am buying it for now ! It really annoys me cause i worked so hard to get george from a seed based diet to zupreem ( he will not entertain harrisons at all !)and now it seems i am paying the price for it !And cause of the price hike he seems to be eating more of it !!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

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