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Advice on 13 year old CAG


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Okay, so there is a CAG at work on consignment. He is 13 years old and had plucked some of his neck feathers. He is a total sweetheart. I've avoided paying to much attention to him as I don't want to get attached but it turns out that he is getting attached to me. He always wants to come to me. When I walk by he says "come here" and steps up if I let him. He then doesn't want to get down. He'll also let me swing him upside down and tickle under his wing. So now I really want to rescue him but I can't afford him. Do I ignore him and let other people take care of him for the most part? I don't want him to feel abandoned twice... once by his previous owner and then by me. Am I over thinking it?

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Maybe you could get the owners to come down on the price. I think I would enjoy him while he is there and make sure when someone comes in that they spend enough time with him so that he is comfortable with them before he goes home. I am so sorry you can't get him, sounds like he is a real sweetie.

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Pchela wrote:

Yeah, maybe I could talk to the owner and see what she says. Sadly, I don't think she cares so much about the good home as she does about the money she thinks she can get.


That is sooo sad. If something happened to me as far as health and I could no longer take care of Whisper, I would GIVE her to the right person rather than sell her. It would be like selling your children.

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I had a similar experiance at my work. It was a 20-25 year old "breeder" that wasn't breeding. He was said to be nasty and not to be a pet but back into breeding stock when he came in. Well, I guess no one told Whyman that because after about 3 days he wanted to be picked up by me all the time and I could snuggle and cuddle him. He was only $300 but it was $300 I didn't have. This other woman that used to work at the store noticed how big his vocab was and wanted him just because of that. He hated her and would scream and bite when she would try to get him out of his cage. She bought him and I could have died I was so upset. I still think about him all the time and wish I would have gotten him.


So, if I were you I would try to get the cost down and if they won't budge then start savin'!:laugh:

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BMustee wrote:

She bought him and I could have died I was so upset. I still think about him all the time and wish I would have gotten him.So, if I were you I would try to get the cost down and if they won't budge then start savin'!:laugh:


What a sad story Berna. I do hope that lady somehow has it in her to make peace with that Grey and give it a final loving home unconditionally.


I second your advice to Pechla, get that poor grey that loves you. :-)


On the other hand, since that Grey does open up to you. I would not avoid him. Help him learn that their are good and loving people out there that he can trust and have a good companionship with. If nothing else, this will set him up to readily except the right person HE SELECTS as his new forever home.


You can hopefully ban any people that want him, but he obviously does not like. ;-)

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Well, I let him hang out on my shoulder most of the day today and at the end of the day he actually let me scratch his neck for a long time! That is a first! Anyway, there is a regular customer that is interested and would be a great home so I'm hoping maybe that family will take him... if I know he's in a good home I'll be okay. Even though I fell in love with him a little more today...

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Maybe you should simply forget to shut the front door and watch him make his escape to the front. Have a white or black van (cuz when has anyone ever seen a "extraction" in anything other than a white or black van??) pull up to the front door and have the bird jump in. The van can speed off while you "desperately" chase it hoping to save the bird from it's captors only to have the accomplices dump the van in a nearby river after dark and move the bird to your home where you can deny any wrongdoing and make counteraccusations that you are being set up!!



Or, try to work something out with the owners...whatever is easier for you.....

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Maybe you should simply forget to shut the front door and watch him make his escape to the front. Have a white or black van (cuz when has anyone ever seen a "extraction" in anything other than a white or black van??) pull up to the front door and have the bird jump in. The van can speed off while you "desperately" chase it hoping to save the bird from it's captors only to have the accomplices dump the van in a nearby river after dark and move the bird to your home where you can deny any wrongdoing and make counteraccusations that you are being set up!!



Or, try to work something out with the owners...whatever is easier for you.....

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hk955 wrote:

Maybe you should simply forget to shut the front door and watch him make his escape to the front. Have a white or black van (cuz when has anyone ever seen a "extraction" in anything other than a white or black van??) pull up to the front door and have the bird jump in. The van can speed off while you "desperately" chase it hoping to save the bird from it's captors only to have the accomplices dump the van in a nearby river after dark and move the bird to your home where you can deny any wrongdoing and make counteraccusations that you are being set up!!



Or, try to work something out with the owners...whatever is easier for you.....


LMAO! I like this plan! I shall put Operation Grey Escape via Black or White Van into effect immediately!

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