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Palm nuts


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judygram wrote:

I don't know whether they are the same kind but I have seen pictures here on this site of greys holding much bigger palm nuts in their talons and these are small by comparison, wonder if anyone knows if they are the same thing.


The nuts come in many sizes from the fruit. They are all the same.

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luvparrots wrote:

Okay guys, I went and ordered palm nuts from Richard Sawyer. Very nice guy. They are $36 with shipping for a 7 lb box. Richard says send a check for $36 to his P.O. Box number and as soon as he gets the check he will pick and mail same day. Richard said, when you get them you should wash, dry and freeze what you don't use. Palm nuts apparently grow all year (he is in Florida). Ana Grey has tried some and so have I, they are tasty though they are a bit stringy for me!!!!!


Pictures attached!!!


Box received:


Inside box:



After washing:







This is my freezing method, others probably have their own methods. I am no freezing guru!!!


I haven't defrosted or given Ana Grey any frozen ones yet!!


These palms are different from the ones from my country.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Tjanks a lot guys I think that I will get sum of these for Marvin and Molly. I might even try sum myself.



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Just wanted to let you all know that I sent my check off last Friday and he called us to say he was shipping out on Monday (3/15). Told us how to handle them after we received them. A SUPER nice guy. Thanks so much for finding out about him.:cheer:

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Me too!!


I was surprised to get such a nice call or any call for that matter since he is a busy man. He has a TON of info and is happy to share. I am a customer for life!! Can't wait to get these and get Fred started, the palm oil I use now is so smelly (due to the processing) she does not like it much.

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