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What a sleepy grey looks like


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Yup. She's really lying down, with her feet pulled up against her body and her belly supporting her weight. That's pretty much how she goes to sleep every night when we watch TV. She's been doing that since she was around 4 months old and still today at 10 months. I wonder if she'll ever outgrow it. She sits on her perch or my shoulder and the moment I place her towell either on my lap or across the automan, she goes running to it. She places herself in the very center and then instructs me to cover her. If I don't, she sometimes shows me how by covering herself.

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Awww, thats a cute photo.


I have often wonder, if in the wild with their hole in a tree with nice padding if they don't lay down and sleep. I have watched my Grey walk into a box, peek in after a few minutes and he will normally lay down with his feet sticking out backwards.


I would imagine it feels good not have to perch 24/7 and gives the legs/talons a rest.


Ours will rarely lay down unless we have been in the living room for example for a long time and he will sometimes settle down on a towel draped over the back of the couch and lay down. But, as I said, it is very rare and only happens maybe once in a month or two.


Thanks for sharing that photo. :-)

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That's the elusive video I've been trying to capture for some time now. If you notice, even the picture I posted is a little fuzzy. It was taken in the dark (with flash) and the camera had a bit of trouble focussing. Had she realized there was a camera nearby, she'd be more interested in chewing it than sleeping.

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