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Moving around perches?


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Ash is our 4-month CAG and does well with new toys. I've done a lot of reading about rotating toys, introducing toys, moving toys...etc.


However... I recently read that in order to help AGs deal with their environment... that you need to move around perches as well. Thoughts?


Right now, Ash has 6 different perches in her cage. I set them so that she can move around the cage easily and access food and water. Do I need to move around her perches? Should I move around her food and water?

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When I was recently at the vet they gave me some handouts and one of them suggested moving the perches also. I haven't up til now but was thinking about it. I only have 3 perches. Maybe I need more?? I only did 3 becuase I wanted there to be some open space in case she fell. Seems would be a lot more likely to break a wing or something if you were hitting a perch on the way down.


But I don't know, just my thinking. I would like to hear what others have to say.

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I dont move my greys perches or food and water dishes.

My greys have three perches in each cage and I find they use for different things, one they use for sleeping, one for eating etc. I feel it would upset my boys if I started to move their homes around they seem happy with everything the way it is.;)

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I don't move perches at all. They are setup optimally for each cage. It might have some positive aspect if your Grey was just left in the cage constantly, but that is not the case at my house.


Also, no I'm not going to move my furniture around either unless the boss (Wife) of the house tells me I must. ;-)

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When did you say Kim would be back on the site Dan? I will be sure to mention that you wanted to change around the furniture in the whole house, heh heh heh. Just kidding:lol:


I don't move around perches either and I definitely don't move food and water bowls as they are fixed at certain places.

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Okay, I'll be the odd duck on this one. I do move my perches around every couple of months. I keep the sleeping on in place for my Grey though because I think it's the best place for it.


I also move the food bowls around, but the water is at a spot where it's easy for my daughter to take them out and put in clean ones so that pretty much stays put (it's on her list of morning chores).


I don't feel it's necessary, but I don't think it hurts anything unless you have a bird that really doesn't adjust well to change. All of mine like to go in and explore around their "new" cage for awhile after I put them in after moving things around. I put my grey on her sleeping perch so she can "survey" things a bit first, but soon she's climbing around and figuring out how she's going to get to each bowl, etc.


I should add though that I'm also one of "those people" who rearrange my living room furniture (including the bird stand locations) every couple of months as well. :blush:

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Thanks all for your comments. I think I'll keep her favorite perch and the food/water perch stationary and move the rest in a month or two.


I have odd working hours some times, so it's nice to have a grey who does well with change.

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I also move perches around. Alot of our perches are parts of trees that we get when they are cut down. We moved perches last at xmas and will do it again in the spring. So basically we replace them all and put them in different places, sort of rearrange the whole cage every 4-5 months.

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I move everything around in my 5 month old grey's cage. She doesn't seem to mind. But I also clean her cage every night before she goes to bed so she is use to the activity. She sits on the cage door and observes the process. I'm sure once she learns to talk, she will be giving me directions!!!:unsure: :silly:

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I move perches around, move toys around, move the cage to different places in the room...I like Lyric to know that things can change but everything will be okay. He's been used to changes since he was little and is fine with it. I think it's good because it keeps things interesting. Sometimes he doesn't like the new configuration of the perches but if he waits for awhile then they will be moved around again.

As far as changing out toys, just take some away and add some new ones. If your bird is scared of new toys then move the new ones closer and closer to the cage and let him watch you play with them, until he doesn't act nervous anymore and then try a new one inside. :)

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I change my birds perches around too and pretty much on a regular basis. I can definately tell when I do a good job or not by my flocks reactions:laugh: Sometimes its a great hit and they seem happy and excited checking out thier new arrangements:woohoo: , sometimes not so much:S . When I can tell it's not quite right I will make adjustments. I don't think they mind at all and it never spooks them.

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I got Shanti a new perch a couple of weeks ago -- one of those that supposedly helps them file their nails. The instructions said to put it higher than the old perch, which I did. Shanti wouldn't go near it for days. Then when I lowered it he was all over it.

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Dorian is Not good with change. That may be the understatement of the year. When he came to me I set up his cage exactly as it had been in the store and let him have it that way for months. Then last summer I put him in his small travel cage and took apart the cage completly and power washed it. I took out the dowel perch he was used to and totally re-did his cage with new perches of different sizes and materials and the food and water dishes in new places. Of course, even though I had let him see all these things for months, he still wanted no part of them, so I set the small cage on it's stand and joined the two cages with his old dowel perch, leaving the doors on both cages open during the day. He slept in the small cage for two more nights before he started to inch over and inspect the new layout. As he moved around the cage I saw what was not working and made some small adjustments. Now I change out his toys, or put in a different swing, but the basic layout stays the same. The key with him seems to be letting him decide when he's ready to explore a new object. He's only just realized that his boing is not a parrot killing device, and I bought that for him in November.:laugh:

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