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My New Baby - Finally!


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Well, it's been a long time coming with this tough decision for me but last week I made it final. I decided to go take a look at a few of the breeder's babies and took a day to do so.

It seems I found the one!

The second breeder I went to had nine babies (the most they've had in fifteen years!) - three Congos and six Timnehs. After my research I decided a Timneh was the way to go.

I held the three youngest babies and although all of them were absolute sweethearts, I knew my baby as soon as I held him.

He's just over 5 weeks old now and I will be taking him home in 2 months. I don't know how I'll wait that long! I've been to visit him 3 times in the past 5 days and am suffering from baby withdrawal.

Sorry about the picture quality - my boyfriend didn't want to use flash!


So here he is - baby Darwin. :)<br><br>Post edited by: cf737, at: 2009/02/03 04:48


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Congrats on finding that perfect baby for you and from the picture you shared Darwin is adorable but then all the babies are, thanks for sharing a pic with us.


I know the next two months will seem like forever but it will be here soon, patience, patience, patience.:lol:

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Thank you all for your wonderful replies!

I am going to see him again tomorrow - camera in hand, of course!

Although the two months will be a long time to wait, I am very happy to have it. I will have plenty of time to get everything set up for little Darwin's homecoming, as Sallas mentioned. :)

As long as pictures are welcome, I will have plenty and will keep posting them!

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As promised, more pictures!

Darwin is 6 weeks old now and my is he growing fast! I've been to see him five times in the past eleven days and cannot get enough of him.

The other day he ate his first piece of solid food! Well done Darwin!

Here he is. :)IMG_1790_copy.jpg


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Darwin is adorable!

It will be great if you keep sharing these wonderful pictures with us all and we can see his progress week by week.


One of our regulars here Lyric did this with her baby Tags and we all fell in love with them.


Thanks for sharing:)

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The first thing little Darwin ate was one of the pellets I think you can see in the third photo from the top....a little red fruit flavored pellet. The breeder wasn't sure if he'd take it but I held it between my fingers and he took it right from me. It took him a while to figure out what to do with it and to soften it up but he broke it, ate it, looked up and me and continued his little chirps.


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