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Just curious to see who everyone's friendly thoughts are on for the Win of Super Bowwl. No bashing teams though.Put your input nicely.


Me, well Im from Pennsylvania.Not my Bears playing but Im wanting Steelers. Yes, I am having a Super Bowl party.Its going to be at my parents.Small about 25 people. Making alot of food.


To everyone who might be having a party or just relaxing at home wathcing the game.Have fun, be safe!!




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I have no interest in the game, don't really know who is playing, its not my forte, I don't even watch it for the commercials either, you will find me either watching a movie or curling up with a good book but you sports fans just go ahead and knock yourself out, have a good time.:whistle: :laugh:

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I think there is a lot less hype this year. Arizona? Lucky to be in the Big Game. Heck, even our Vikings beat them this year! :-) Guess our division has to send someone though...:S


That said, the grocery store was busier yesterday when I went than it was the day before Thanksgiving or Christmas this year! Lots of parties going on.


We'll likely catch the last half.



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I am going to cheer for the Steelers this year:) If Arizona happens to take it, that would be fine, too. I just hope it is a good game & not a blow out by either team. I atleast want it to be an interesting game:) Not one that you know the outcome in the first or second quarter.

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