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Las Vegas


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Hi everyone. We are only gonna be here for a couple of days so I won't have lots and lots of things to show you about Las Vegas. I gotta tell you. I'm looking forward to getting home.. I'm tired.


Anyway, enough of my whining. Here are a couple from this afternoon.





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Well friends, one of those life changing events happened to me tonight.. Truly and completely life changing.. These kinds of events happen once in a lifetime but when they do you have to stand up and take notice... Let me explain..


This weekend here in Vegas is arranged around a Bon Jovi concert Saturday. Tonight, Friday, was a Bon Jovi party at Planet Hollywood in Ceasar's Hotel and Casino. All of the fan club members were there. Mat BonJovi was also there. Matt is John's younger brother.. Here's a photo of Matt Bon Jovi with Anna...




Look at the sunburn I got in Hawaii.. YIKES..




Here's another shot with Matt and the girls...





So anyway, back to my life changing event.. We were just about wrapping up the party. There were a number of members still there and the music was still playing Bon Jovi tunes. Quite good ones in fact. Everyone was singing alone, dancing, playing air guitar and other things people do at parties..


I was singing some of the songs and generally was having a GREAT time.. Then I noticed a young girl, wheelchair bound and clearly in the advanced stages of Cerebral Palsy.. She had virtually no control of her body movements or speech.. I was shaken to my very core.. Here was a woman dealt a horrible hand. Yet she was clearly trying to enjoy the Bon Jovi song that was playing..


I watched her for some time and the more I watched her the more my eyes filled up with tears.. I wanted to grab and hold her in the worse way.. I wanted to comfort her to tell her it would be alright.. I wanted to kiss her and console her..


I watched and watched and finally got some guts up... I went over to her and grabbed her withering body. I kissed her face, I stroked her shoulders and arms.. I whispered to her that she would be OK.. I cried.. I felt so sorry for this poor thing I didn't know what to do.. The sounds this woman made back to me are sound I will never forget for as long as I live on this earth. They didn't sound like anything you would understand.. but I did understand her. She wanted to hug me but couldn't. She wanted to kiss me but couldn't. I'm having trouble writing this as I am getting choked up thinking about this experience.. Here was little old me bugged with everyday life problems like money, love, happiness and other meaningless things. While others are in so much more trouble.. Like I said, it was a life changing encounter for me friend.. Here is a photo I had to get after this womans sister came over to comfort her.




I had to hide for a bit because I didn't want anyone to see me crying and visually shaken..


Alright, lets move on from that.. I got out into the Las Vegas city tonight.. Got some very interesting shots to share with you.


Here are a couple of store fronts I found very interesting.






Here are some other things I thought were interesting. While walking around the town.
























So tomorrow we go to the Bon Jovi / Tiger Woods "tiger fest" I was already told by Johns brother Matt that they won't be allowing my camera into the concert.. I'll take my point and shoot..


Then it's HOME... now that's something that comforts ME...


Thanks again everyone

Frank<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/29 19:11

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I like your photos, but I must honestly say that this is one town I really don't wish to visit (even if I could) - it does absolutely nothing for me. (Now, if Elvis still would be alive, that would be another matter :P )


May I ask why this was a lifechanging event, Frank?

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FairY wrote:

I like your photos, but I must honestly say that this is one town I really don't wish to visit (even if I could) - it does absolutely nothing for me. (Now, if Elvis still would be alive, that would be another matter :P )


May I ask why this was a lifechanging event, Frank?


Well, FairY. I don't like Las Vegas either. I am not a gambler and I come from New York so the glitter doesn't impress me either. There are no beaches and it's 115 degrees in the shade..


Regarding your question about my experience with that woman.. Well, I think all to often we tend to live our lives all wrapped up in ourselves. We complain about things that really are very meaningless in the big picture of things.. We seldom think of just how GREAT we have it. We tend to only see the world thru these eyes. It might be a selfish prospective but I think being human most of us are like this. Seeing people that are so much less fortunate then us should make someone realize that Hey, life's not so bad afterall....


When I grabbed that girl and hugged her the sounds she made went right thru me. I realized that here was a normal woman TRAPPED inside this body..


Now of course we see this kind of stuff all the time. Less fortunate people are all around us. But how many of us get so close as to FEEL that person? I know I never felt the way I felt last night before..<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/26 18:22

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Frank, you've never captured a moment like you did in that picture of Anna & Matt. I've never seen her look so happy. Those eyes are just sparkling and she looks ecstatic! It's a very nice picture.

Once again...Good Job!! :)


Enjoy the concert tonight you too!!! {Feel-good-000200BB}

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Guest briansmum

WOW MATT BONGIOVI (i believe his brothers still have the original family name) thats such a cool picture. you lucky thing, i wish I lived in the US. .. can't wait for new bon jovi album, lemme know if they do any more new songs!? :woohoo:


the vegas pictures are wonderful, such an amazing city. it was nice to read about your encounter with that girl, very humbling isnt it?

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Guest Monique

And what ... praytell ... was the interest in the Victoria's Secret storefront :laugh: .


Thank you for sharing your story. Lots of times I have feelings for people like you do in my heart and I'm too shy or self-conscious to do what I'm thinking of. Kudos to you to reaching out, I'm going to force myself past the comfort zone the next time this comes up to truly reach out and do what I'm feeling.

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xxbeccyxx wrote:

WOW MATT BONGIOVI (i believe his brothers still have the original family name) thats such a cool picture. you lucky thing, i wish I lived in the US. .. can't wait for new bon jovi album, lemme know if they do any more new songs!? :woohoo:


the vegas pictures are wonderful, such an amazing city. it was nice to read about your encounter with that girl, very humbling isnt it?


Yes, you are a real fan if you know the real Bon Jovi name.. :P


We were at an party that night with him. After the party there was an auction. I didn't buy anything since Anna already has a few items from the last party we were at. Anyway, Matt was selling one of his leather jackets. There was a war for this jacket.. It sold for $6000.00 Unbelievable..


The story about the girl is humbling.. I will never forget any of it.. Thanks for writing me about it..

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Monique wrote:

And what ... praytell ... was the interest in the Victoria's Secret storefront :laugh: .


Thank you for sharing your story. Lots of times I have feelings for people like you do in my heart and I'm too shy or self-conscious to do what I'm thinking of. Kudos to you to reaching out, I'm going to force myself past the comfort zone the next time this comes up to truly reach out and do what I'm feeling.


Hi Monique.


Thank you.. I think all to often we don't "reach out" when we could.. and in the end.. who really is the loser.. We are.


Now that I am on my way home I am very happy that I did Blog this trip. It was fun to write to you guys every night. Retelling the story was like reliving it.. and that was fun for me..


From the looks of the view number of both the Hawaii and Vegas blogs I think lots of folks here did read it. This I am grateful for... Don't get me wrong, if ONE person was reading it that would have been enough for me....


Thanks everyone..

Frank<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/27 15:04

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Talon wrote:

Ya, CD.....What's up with the Victoria Secret photo? You weren't by chance shopping there were you?????? ;)


Ahh, so you caught that. I slipped that in to see if you guys were paying attention.. :P I know I was.. So many beautiful women walk in and out of that store.. I love watching that.. Of course this is a family site so I'll stop there.. :P

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Well, we made it home.. What a trip.. Hawaii I loved, Vegas I didn't. You see I am not a gambler so going to a place where all they do is gamble is not for me..


The Bon Jovi party and Concert was awesome. He played lots of new songs from his newest album "lost highways" coming out in about a month.. You you country fans you are gonna love this album. It has the flavor of country while still have that "rock" sound... and I don't have to tell you about the Lyrics, do I? Bon Jovi can write songs..


Any way.. A quick story... some photos... and we will call it a wrap..


On the way back to the hotel the cab we took didn't have room in the trunk for all our bags.. So we had to put my camera backpack and laptop bag in the back seat.. Well the backpack was on my back...


Anyway, we get out of the cab. The driver helps us to the curb with the bags, I pay him and he's off.. Minutes later I realize I LEFT MY LAPTOP IN HIS CAB... Holy cow.. So I take off running as fast as I can down the middle of the street... Chasing the cab... Good thing I'm a runner I can tell you that.. I caught him in some traffic and got my laptop back.. Boy was that close.. I know I would have never seen it again...


The Bon Jovi party was in Ceasar's Hotel.. At Planet Hollywood.. I gotta tell you, the inside of Ceasars is AWESOME.. Take a look at some of these statues...










I'm glad I'm home from Vegas.. Not so glad I had to leave Hawaii.. That place is so nice.. You never want to leave there..


Anyway, thanks for following this thread throughout the trip. I hope I didn't bore you too much. I tried to tell the story in a way that you might be interested. Hopefully I did..


Until next time..


Take Care.



Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/28 01:45<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/28 04:10

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TalonSis wrote:

wow, nice statues!


Good tihng you got your laptop back. :)


And what, no Bon Jovi pictures? :silly: :laugh:


NO cameras allowed.. :( I figured as much but I thought I would be able to sneak in my point and shoot.. No chance.. They gave me a coat check for it and I picked it up when I left the concert..


See ya Kiddo

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Talon wrote:

Welcome Back! :) Talonsis is right, those are some awesome statues. And what were you thinking leaving your laptop in the cab......or did you just feel like a good run was in order? ;)


I gotta tell ya Talon. The whole trip had me off balance.. From the very start I was chasing my tail.. I'm not really surprised that I left it in the Cab.. I'm just so lucky that I discovered it missing while I could still catch the Cab..

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Talon wrote:

Yes, I am!!!!And I can't stop laughing!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ........................:laugh:


Oh Yeah... well.... all I got to say about that is this...



An angel's smile on your lips

Blood red nails on your fingertips

A school boy's dream, you act so shy

Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye


You're a loaded gun

There's nowhere to run

No one can save me

The damage is doned


Bon Jovi..

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