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Quiet squeeks/heavy breathing...


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Here's a new one for me...


A couple of weeks ago, during our nightly head-skritching session, Kenya started beaking my fingers, didn't want the skritching anymore and when I had her step up on my hand she was still beaking (very gently, and more rubbing it on my hand than biting down) and she was closer to me I heard faint little squeeks and some breathing noises...she got a little hyper and I thought that maybe she just wanted to go poop and found a new way to let me know. I put her on her playstand but nothing.


Tonight the same thing happened though. Do you think she was getting "hormonally" charged up? She's never regurgitated or had any other behavior like this since I've had her (about 2.5 years). She's 14 years old. Her behavior has stayed pretty consistent this whole time, through all the seasons and all. I put her on her playstand and about 10 minutes later had her step up again. She was fine but I just had her sit with me, didn't do the skritching or anything.


Thoughts from anyone?




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Hmmmm, I think it might just be the "love" noise. The noise they make is when they are charged up is a mix between a grunt and a hard exhale...if that makes sense. Most of the time the wings droop a little bit when they make the noise too and they get really twitchy.

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I think it was a bit quieter than a grunt (I didn't hear it until she was about 6 inches from my ear), but maybe that was it. I didn't notice the wings but I'll look for it. Twitchy would definitely describe how she was moving around.


Maybe I'm just too darn good at those parrot neck skritches! ;) :lol: I know she has a ton of pinfeathers coming in on her head/neck right now so I was trying to rub those a bit to help break up the casing for her. Maybe that's what did it as it felt like I was "grooming" her. As much as I want her to "love" me (whatever that means to a parrot), I'm fine not ending up with a hormonal girl regurgitating and all. Her blowing kisses at me from across the room works just fine for me. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


I'll have to pay better attention next time to see what exactly is happening.




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Dayo makes little panting noises and a distinguishable exhale noise and sometimes a little squeak almost indiscernible. The wings do not drop though and he does it when one of us stop giving him scratches and he wants more.


Other times, he just takes the scratches and when you stop, he just starts preening or doing something else.

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