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Is Ernie Sick ??


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Maybe someone could give me some advice on Ernie, my 6 month old CAG. I am a bit worried that he might be ill.


I came home from work today and for the last few hours he has been out of his cage and its like he is depressed or something. He is very quiet, usually he is so active and vocal. Today he has hardly said anything. All he wants to do is just sit on my shoulder. He does not seem to have an interest in anything.


He seems to have eaten some of his food and his feces looks normal.


Anyone have any ideas ?? or seen this behaviour before ??

Thanks in advance


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Jason, sometimes they have a quiet day, just like us. He could just be more tired today. If he is eating and pooping normally, then he's probably okay. But certainly, if he is still quiet tomorrow, I would take him into the vet asap for a check up. Greys hide their illness so well. Please keep us posted.

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Sorry Everyone ...should have checked back and updated you all. Ernie is fine now. I think he was just having a quiet day. It never happened before though.


The day after i posted he was back to normal, singing and acting crazy as usual. Thanks for all your concern and advice. this really is a great forum!!!!!

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Thanks Jason for letting us know but I will scold you a little for waiting so long,:whistle: as you can see we were concerned about Ernie and because you are family here we care about you and Ernie. Thats all we ask when someone has a situation that causes concern among the members, please don't let us worry needlessly again, ok. Lecture over now.:blush:

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Glad Ernie is ok. Whisper has days like that too. Which is why one of the things she says is "Are you okay?" I used to get all worried too when she would have a quiet day. Now sometimes I welcome one every now and then.:cheer:

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