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3 new baby Congos!!!!


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The store just got 3 new baby congos in and are staying with me for a few weeks (till they are fully feathered). I took a quick video of them after I fed them while they were getting settled in for the night.






I love them at this age...the tiny noises and fuzzy bodies!!! I could just eat them up!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2009/01/25 07:42

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I do have a great job...but with the good comes the bad, like sending these little guys to their new homes.:(


I was gave them a better look-over yesterday and noticed something wrong with one of them. His leg looked as though it had been broken and was already rehealed crooked. I took them to the vet today to have the leg bands cut off so I had him look at the leg and he said I was right about the break. There is nothing he can do about it because it's already been healing so he's just going to be a "special needs" grey...so he'll only go to someone that KNOWS parrots.

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So seriously, those babies are so cute I got tears in my eyes. Seeing this sometimes makes me wish I had gotten babies (weaned, of course! ;) ). Not that I don't love mine to pieces, but these are just soooooooo cute! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


I'm always amazed at how the special needs birds end up getting through life. They are remarkable in their ability to adapt to their "disability". Is it so bad that it won't be able to use it to perch, etc?


Judy, you are right on (as always)!


Berna - that store and all the fids are so lucky to have you (as are we, of course)! :silly:



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ahhhh, shucks...your too nice.:P :laugh: :kiss:


He is SUCH a sweet baby too. He can't really walk (if you can call the baby hobble a walk) very well, but after I feed them he always seems to make his way over to me and snuggles into my hand. If I could I would keep him myself...I'm already that in love with the little guy.

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I can picture that and it makes me smile. That's great that he can work his way over to you though. I'm sure he'll take a little piece of your heart with him when he finds someone who will give him a very happy home.


Keep us posted on him. And more pics please....;):) :lol:

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I work in a pet store, but we only have budgies, canaries, and we'll re-home animals for people, like a bunny that just came in and went right back out to someone. Even then, I get attached. I even missed the last hamster we had when he was gone. I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you do.


Will the disabled baby be able to get around his cage and perch once he's old enough? Will he have to be taught to rest on the bottom of the cage or other flat surface so he can rest his good leg? Does anyone on this forum have a bird with similar issues? Inquiring minds want to know :)

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I have 2 finches with bad/missing legs and they get around great...my Zebra's leg was broken and healed worse than the baby greys and the Owl had half his leg amputated.


Because this baby grey will never know what having "normal" legs are like he will act like nothing is wrong. What I would think he will need as he gets older is flat resting spots, various sizes of perches, probably a bed, and ether no clip or a long clip so he'll be able to use his wings to comp for the leg. I'm not sure if he will need a special setup for eating because at his age now I can't tell how well he will be able to use the bad leg.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2009/01/27 18:29

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  • 5 months later...

Hi everyone, just wanted to ask a few questions about the 6 weeks old baby bird we got last night. He seems to be very calm, doesn't make a lot of noise. Is it normal at this age. Also after we feed him he keeps on chewing his food for about 20 minuets, keepind his mouth open. He is still unstable on his feet and mostly sits. Can you please give us some advice? Thank you!

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I know this is an old thread but will answer the question posted by Natalie because I am concerned about the baby.


How are you feeding the baby. 6 weeks old is toooooo young to be weaned and should still be getting formula. He will probably die very quickly unless he is being fed properly. Unless you are an experienced hand feeder you need to take the baby right back to the breeder and tell them to finish weaning it.


We had this situation just last week where the poster had a too young bird and did not understand why it was not eating and drinking. It DIED.

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