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aviator harness!

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

i just wanted to say how fan-blinkin-tastic it is! i tried brian with his today and he took it really well, let me lift his wings straight away and didn't even seem to know it was there. so i took him straight into the garden. he had a few little flies but the stretchy cord stopped him from hurting himself when he got too far. what amazing invention :woohoo: if you dont have one get one!

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Guest briansmum

i got it from the 24parrot.com website as i'm in the UK and thats the only place i spotted with them avaliable.

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Guest briansmum

he just wasn't bothered by it at all i didn't do anything special, i was doing all the wing holding and unbalancing with him like it tells you to on the dvd and he was just letting me hold his wings out, no problems. i think it's cos he's so young, he just see's EVERYTHING as a game. :laugh: i don't think theres any help i can give you, sorry :blink:

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Guest Monique

We have had the same luck, though I still took several instances to introduce it to Isaac to make sure he wasn't just tolerating it for me (but secretly hated it) ... if that makes any sense.


Now the "trick" is to keep it on him regularly so he stays comfortable with it.

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Guest briansmum

they're deffinately worth it, its so nice to see them wandering around the garden with you confident they are safely attatched to you.


i'd had it hanging next to brians cage a couple of times before i put it on him, maybe thats why he took to it so well.

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Guest Monique

I don't think so it is a solid one piece construction, there is no real clip between the harness part and the thin "bungee cord" that loops around your wrist.

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Guest briansmum

no splint there is no way it would come undone, i have sat and pulled and tugged at it like mad it's very sturdy and well constructed. it is chewable though, so don't let your bird think he can nibble on it! :laugh:

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Hey all,


After reading all the harness accolades , I went out and bought one earlier today! In fact, I just came back in from taking Zoe out into the backyard. She chose to stay perched on my shoulder but, I think, enjoyed the sun. I have to say, it's amazing how incredible she looked in natural daylight! My full spectrum lighting doesn't even come close to the sun. Thanks all for letting me know about this product.

Putting it on for the first time was a bit unpleasant for her (she bit my finger twice)but once it was on and adjusted to her size, she just chewed on the metal parts until I took her out. (I let her see and play with it for about 10 minutes before trying to put it on her.)

Outside, she went back to making her two note happy whistles (and never once tried to bite me)so I think she may have actually had fun!

Her universe just got a lot bigger! What a great product!

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Guest Monique

Talon did you get the CD with your harness? It is really helpful for showing you exercises you can do with your bird to get them accustomed to the harness and the way you need to touch them to put it on, etc.

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I ordered mine but should take a while to get to South Africa. :angry: They dont stock that Aviator here in South Africa. It should take 4 weeks to get here. Max is so use to me touching his wings and playing with it, I lift his wings and tickle him under it then he make these weird noise, Guess he is laughing...:woohoo: Can't wait for the Aviator to arrive here..... Will let you guys know as soon as it is here... Cheers for now.

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Guest briansmum

hey zoesdad, great news you had sucess with your harness, they really do seem to enjoy is outside. have fun taking your bird for "walkies!"


talon.. keep us updated on your aviator progress, it will be nice to know if/when she lets you put it on :) good luck!

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