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leaving my grey


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{Feel-bad-00020063}i have to leave for two weeks, I am really nervous about leaving my grey. I do have some one coming in a few times a day to visit with her and all my other critter. I also have a Greater Sulpher Creasted who is in the same room with her. Will she be OK?????? I have never left her before. she is 2 years old.

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She should be fine with you leaving seeing at though you will be having someone come over to visit and she has a birdie buddy in the room. A few tips that could make it easier on her would be to have your grey get to know the person that is watch her before you leave if she doesn't already. You can also get her a few new toys...esp. a preening and a shreading toy. That could help incase she gets the urge to start plucking.

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Your Grey should be ok. As long as your friend and her are acquainted and she gets some interaction and assurance that she is not abandoned.


The important thing, is that she is still in your home where she is comfortable and secure in her own cage. Also, that you are comfortable with your friend to properly care for your critters. :-)


I know, we all fret over leaving our greys, even if it the 20th time and only for one day. Much less 2 weeks. :-)

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Your friend should come over and get more acquainted if they haven't already with your fids so the stress of someone else coming in to take care of their needs is diminished. You can provide them with some new toys and some foraging opportunities to keep them busy so they do not get lonely, maybe leave a radio on during the day to keep them company.


When you get back from your trip why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and your fids.

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