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argggg please can someone help us


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can anyone help us my affy has taken a chunk out of my daughters sweet (starburst) this is the first time he has taken without being given something i have heard that this could be harmful to him please can some-one let me know we dont want to lose him.someone please help thanks

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It's fine. Don't worry.

My birds have had Skittles, twizzlers, Starburst, Mike & Ikes, Good n Fruity, among other things they have snuck in the last 3 years...:pinch: They have even gotten into choc. chip cookies, and have no effect at all.:ohmy:


Honestly, I don't eat that stuff anymore...but my kids get it on occasion. It really isn't a diet I feed my kids or my birds!

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Mika has stolen the occasional candy a couple of times and except for a loose stool the next day he was just fine.


Penny, next we are going to here that the two of them are drinking Starbucks Latte's and eating red velvet cupcakes:laugh: on occasion's only;)


Carolyn & Mika

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Well, know that Ive gotten over my misreading embrassment. :blush:


I'll comment on the candy, coffee, coke and other "Forbidden" stuff.


I single smallish dose is not death or even sickening to them. In reading scientific studies on this, it takes a very large quantity to sicken or kill your birdy.


I am not of course saying it is ok to give your Grey a cup of coffee or a whole Hersheys Kiss. Just wanting to ease some over zealous anxiety of someone that has a birdy get onto something that is off limits. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/22 23:18

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danmcq wrote:

Well, know that Ive gotten over my misreading embrassment. :blush:


Hold it, not so fast, I can't let this opportunity go without a comment from the peanut gallery.:woohoo:


I thought women were the ones who panicked over things but Dan you take the cake and you do it so nicely.:whistle:


I can safely say my flock hardly ever gets any sweets as I am very careful to keep such junk away from them, I eat it all so they can't get any.:laugh: :blush:

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Dan - if it helps, I though the same thing when I read it...fortunately I just read it now so got to read the whole thread before responding!


That said...


Dave - your comment was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Thanks!:lol:


Judy - I think you have the best assurance for making sure the fids don't get any chocolate, etc. I, too, eat it all up quickly...just to be safe, you know. ;)

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so its nothing to worry to much about phew hubby would have killed me!:evil: i cannot belive you give your parrot skittle i dont even give them to my kids cause they have to many enumbers in them and make them hyper lol oh well at least i am not alone thanks a lot for all your help and advice cookie

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