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Zahzu is starting to get better!


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Hi guys,


It has been a very long time since my last post - have been busy!


The last 2 1/2 weeks I was away on holiday, and Zahzu stayed with our bird sitter....


There is too much history to Zahzu's story - so I'm going to be a pest and ask anyone reading this to refer to my old posts to hear the story so far!


While we were away on holiday, Zahzu developed a very high fever, the bird sitter took her to a vet who kept her overnight, and performed surgery to unblock her ear. A massive lump of dried up blood and pus came out - and since then (about 14 days) she has been having to go to the vet daily. She's COMPLETELY bald - she only has feathers on her head now... I am thinking that the feather plucking is due to the pain associated with the ear, however the vet feels that its a psychological problem. Once the ear is healed up, and she's comfortable, we can deal better with the plucking issue.

She's also developed a tendency to chew her skin, now that she has no feathers which is a worry, but I will keep an eye on that.


Anyway, it's going to be a long road to recovery - and will keep you all updated!



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Hello Sameera, it's great hearing from you again!!


I am sorry to hear of the continuation of illness poor Mas has suffered. I hope you are right in thinking that the underlying painful ear infection was the root cause of the plucking problem.


My prayers and well wishes are for you and the quick healing of Mas. :-)

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I'm so sorry to hear about Zahzu. I hope he's not too traumatized by all this activity and that he's not in pain.


They are such interesting and complex little buggers that can really push the limits of being challenging to us. I'm glad you love him so much and are doing your best to make sure he has the best chance at recovery from this.



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Thanks everyone,


Zahzu is doing very well! The ear is healed now - and today the vet removed the last bit of scab that had formed - her ear is no longer blocked which is great. He did say however, that the eardrum is severely perforated and he doesn't think it will recover- but the good news is she has 2 ears! She's still picking up new words and her balance is ok, so no worries.


Next thing to tackle are the feather cysts and the plucking - will keep you updated!



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So happy to hear from you Sameera. I always look to see if you have any updates on Zahzu. It is great news about the ear,you really are doing everything to help Zahzu and I prey that the rest of the recovery goes without a hitch. Please keep in touch. Sheila.

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Aww - that's so sweet Sheila!


Zahzu is doing really really well - she's back to her usual self!


Yesterday my sister left for home (after being on holiday here in Sth Africa for about 6 weeks)... Zahzu learned her name, and was calling for her last night, so i told Zahzu that my sister is gone... Zahzu replied "Where?" !! Was really funny - coincidence or brilliance? I don't know!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,


Just an update - Zahzu is doing very well!

She's awake and talking LOUDLY before we even wake up and uncover her cage. She's growing in her feathers beautifully and not a bit of plucking. We took her to the vet for a checkup last Saturday, and I had her wrapped up in a little blanky, and when we arrived she said:

"hello, *cough*cough*" I had the flu a few months ago and she picked up the coughing noise! I thought it very appropriate timing as we were at the vets!

The vet said the ear is fine, and we have nothing to worry about.

She's back to her usual, mischievous self!


Now, I'm trying to convert her back to a pellet and fruit/veg diet - because to pick up weight we increased the seeds in her diet - I want to cut the seeds down now; will take time, but I'm sure we'll get there!


Have a great weekend everyone!


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Thanks :)


Got some troubling news - I think she is plucking again. It's nothing serious, just a few bits of feathers at the bottom of her cage. I hope its a temporary thing... will see how it goes. At this stage, I don't care if she plucks, as long as her ear is better! ;-) I'm just ignoring the behaviour, and hopefully it'll stop.



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she pulled out a big new growing feather today... grrr. i'm not sure if the feather is very healthy - there are stress lines on it. i thought that happens when a bird is ill?? but she seems fine - no more fevers or anything. lets just see how it goes i suppose!


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