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So many options !!


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So, the longer I wait to get my little parrot, the more time I spend on the internet, and the more time I spend finding "perfect things" to buy my bird. In other words, I need to get off of here before I go completely broke. I don't know how you all do it! ha



Anyway, give me some advice on the few items I picked out?


This cage, Width 24.02" Depth 22.05" Height 64.96"

Bar Thickness 3.5mm



With these perches, which are cement.



Now, I won't even began to post pictures of the toys i've already ordered, or am considering. Ha. I need tips on harnesses, I have "The Aviator Bird Harness" picked out, but whats your opinion on the safest one?


Comments on the cage would be nice, I haven't bought it yet, so if its not right, let me know. The key would be to keep the bird out of the cage all day, ha.


And of course, anything else that I should get before the bird arrives, or just in case items.


I'm meeting and getting in contact with every avian vet around my area. I'll feel better once I know who they are before bringing the bird there, even before the first check up.



ohmygosh, time is frozen:S

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Steph, there's an article here about minimum cage dimensions:




Also, as far as the cage goes, make sure you check Craigslist and eBay for cages. You can get brand new cages off eBay for half the price, and used cages that are still in great condition for even less.


Concerning the perches, having different lengths doesn't really matter... The key is to make sure you have different circumferences.


I'm happy that you're so excited! Just make sure to stay this excited during the noise, mess, dander and poop ;) It's totally worth it.

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Thank you for that page, it will help me better pick a cage! There are just so many cage options, ha.

That cage is actually listed on ebay. I'm not much of a craigs list fan, most cages on there are rusted, or missing pieces.


I already have a quaker, have for 12 years. She is so much fun, says so many different things. the noise doesn't bother me at all, i'm use to it. I have 5 dogs, even she (the quaker) is barking now.:whistle:

Dander only bothers my mom, but I have found that the air purifiers work wonders. As for the poop, ever read the book "Everybody poops!" haa:laugh:

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Hey Steph - more on perches:


Be sure to put some made from a variety of materials (cholla wood, other wood, rope, etc.) in addition to the cement ones. I actually had one of mine get sore feet from those so I got perches called a "safety pumice perch". Google it and you can find it in several online stores. It has a flat top and bottom and only the pumice on the sides so it protects their feet but keeps the nails nicely trimmed...haven't had to have mine trimmed since getting these! The perch is sort of crooked and has variable angles to it helps exercise their feet more also.


The more variety in textures/widths the better.


I like that your goal is to have him/her out of the cage as much as possible!


One playstand that I love is the Parrot Tower from bird.com. It is super easy to clean, has wheels, a tray that catches "stuff", and liners that you can buy that fit the tray exactly (though newspaper works also). There are a couple varieties of perch styles to choose from.


Comment on the vet...do you bring your Quaker to one? If not, you should bring it in also. And I would make sure to quarantine the two until the vet tests come back clean. You wouldn't want the baby bringing in something and passing it to your Quaker (or vice versa).


I too am very excited. I have had minimal wait with mine (all adult rescues) but even a day can feel like such a LONG time! And to answer your question: I think we all go "broke" every once in awhile shopping either online or at stores for our fids! :blink:



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Thank you for your information Lisa.


We bring the Quaker in, her name is Beanie. She went in a couple months ago because we had thought she was at the end of her days due to laying an egg, at the time we didn't know thats what she was doing, we thought she was a boy:S

So we freaked because she wouldn't eat much, and sat in the corner of her cage all day, no talking, no loud noises.


I think we took her to an emergancy aviary vet though. I think i'll be taking my bird to Dr. LightFoot.


I'll look into the perches. I wouldn't be to excited if my bird got sore feet from his perches. Thanks:)

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in my opinion i'd say that cage is a little too small.

Tigerlilies is w=3ft d=2ft h=ft and i wish i got a bigger one so she could have lots and lots and lots of toys instead of just lots like she does now;)

i also prefer play top ones like that one as if she had an open top you can't hang toys from the middle top and all her poo would go over her perches in the cage.


and as far as perches go just get a few different ones, tigerlily has 5 different perches in her cage (she used to have 7 but we downsized to give her a bit more room;) )

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"""The Aviator Bird Harness" picked out, but whats your opinion on the safest one?"""


There is only one which is the name above. You need to get correct size which is stated on the package. You can also pick a color.


The cage should be the next size bigger or even bigger than that if you can afford it.


The concrete perches==get 1 blue one and one green one.


Coconuts--who knows. Lets not go overboard now.

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I think thats the one i'm getting. I'm almost sure. It seems like it will be big enough.


As for the coconuts Dave, i'm just imagining it, because there are so many around here. My dogs love to shred them, and peel them. We drain them before hand, and start the peel, but they for for hours. I can imagine it being one of the greys favorites. Like, drill the hole to drain and put a rope or something through it.

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