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Ma baby Dusty


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Hi all it will be four weeks on Saturday since Dusty came home,she is four months old. Dusty is very loving and steps up and down no problems.I read somewhere on this forum prior to registering that babies can squeal etc. Dusty is trying to mumble words already but has took the house phone ring to heart lol and the smoke alarm from when i burn the toast, the thing is these noises have become sharper and go right through me.


I have now put the house phone off when im at work and I am attempting to stop burining toast ha ha. Does anyone have anyone have advice re replacing these noises ??


Otherwise my baby is great and has already started to bully my five year old Orange Winged Amazon Gizmo lol<br><br>Post edited by: Dusty1709, at: 2009/01/20 22:43

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Exactly what Jan said. Completely ignore the sounds that rattle your bones or shatter your eardrums. And whatever "nice" noises are made, copy them back (my favorite) or otherwise reinforce it ("good girl Dusty"), etc.


My Grey has my 10 y/o daughters high-pitched scream down pat. She started doing it and my daughter laughed...oh oh. Then she started doing it all the time. When I got the whole family to just ignore it, it got worse for awhile, but then it has slowed down to a very infrequent thing.


She'll make up other high sounds that are awful and we all just don't even acknowledge them and we usually don't hear them more than a few times before she moves on to something else.


Remember to reinforce as many of the nice/fun noises as possible or even make up some of your own for her to learn/copy (noises in addition to words/phrases) because they seem to learn noises more easily...but that could just be me and Kenya).


Good luck!



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