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I have been gently 'spanked' :) for not introducing myself...I initially joined just over a year ago when I first found Belle, to answer questions, read, learn, and to get some new ideas.


However, I was very new to being a grey mom, and was nervous that I was doing something wrong, so I stayed away from the forums, and just read! Boy, did I read! So many sites, books, videos...and really? They all say the same thing ~ just in different ways!


I love birds - I always have. I fell in love with 2 budgies we were bird sitting when I was just 9 years old. My parents never let me own my own, so that was the first thing I did when I got my own house 7 years ago! We rescued 2 budgies that were injured from a pet store. Gave them a great life - their injuries were too severe to expect them to live long. We had them for over a year.


During that time, word got out that I rescued these two, and somehow, I ended up with 2 finches, 1 lovebird, 2 additional budgies, and 2 tiels. All of these little guys were unwanted by their owners, and being the sucker that I am, I took them in. Cleaned them up, got them on proper pellet diets, and found them new homes.


I was left with my favorite cockatiel - Marshall. He is a grey & white cockatiel, no red cheeks - very much like a miniature grey!


My ultimate goal was to one day own a grey, an amazon, and perhaps a macaw, but I knew I had to work my way up the chain - to learn - to not hurt them in any way. To be able to give them the attention & love they require.


Now, I have Marshall (he's 7yrs old), and Belle (she's my grey - will be 2 in February - I think). I found Belle in a pet store - she had been purchsed, and then returned 3 weeks later - the owners couldn't handle her. Of course, it was love at first sight! We brought her home that evening, and she has grown to cherish her pet (my husband).


This is where the desperation came in from me to have her learn to trust me, to love me. I know that sounds selfish, but after Marshall just took to me instantly, it was disheartening to have her "pick him" - as he is not a bird person! Of course, over time, he has learned (with instruction from me) to love her, and appreciate her quirks, and to notice when she's "flirting" with him (dropping her wings).


We have been successful in the last few months in her learning to trust me. No petting yet, but it will come in time. I've learned to not push the issue, as she knew I was Marshall's 'pet' first. She's excited to learn new things, and is getting used to new toys quicker, and is not as skittish - all this since we've started to learn tricks!


Which brings me here - I need toys. My creativity has disappeared, and I find a lot of the toys in the stores aren't safe! Also treats! We can only eat so much cereal during training! She hates natural sunflower seeds (loves the salted <- but that's why she doesn't get them often).


The other reason I'm here is to read other problems that people are having - and their successes too! To know that I'm not the only one...


I look forward to meeting you all!

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Hello Shannonzee and welcome back to the family, didn't realize you had joined a long time ago but since you didn't have but a few posts I knew you had not officially introduced yourself. I only nudged you a little, believe me if I had spanked you then you would know it.


I can tell you have a big heart when it comes to birds and glad to hear it, if it weren't for people like you so many birds would go homeless and unloved. You rank way up there on my scale of warm hearted people.


As you well know by now we do have lots of useful information in our many threads so continue to read thru them and do ask questions if you have any and we will help you in any way we can.


We do have a homemade toys room where you will find lots of ideas and suggestions for cheap bird toys.


If you have some pictures of Belle you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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Thanks judygram! Your kindness is appreciated!


I was just kidding when I said I was spanked ;)


I cannot believe the open arms on this forum ~ it ranks right up there in my new favorite place to be! Am I ever glad I decided to 'make myself known'


I will be putting up pictures of Belle that we took in the summer outside in our gazebo. We had built a structure out of plastic piping for her to be on & climb while we were outside - instead of her climbing all over the place - she seems to enjoy it very much!


Thanks again judygram!

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I knew you were kidding and I just played along.:laugh:


You will find we are all a bunch of friendly people who have the same interests, our beloved greys, and you are part of our family now and will be treated as such. If we don't have any problems at the moment then we just chat and have a little fun.


I know you will love it here, heck I can't stay away.

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